Rutgers School of Social Work

Special Event


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Keyword:  "Lessons"


Lessons Learned from the
Aftermath of 9/11:

Best Practices for Addressing Trauma

Co-sponsored by the
Rutgers School of Social Work
Voices of September 11th 


The enduring effects of trauma are still felt by those impacted by 9/11 - survivors, family members, rescue workers, organizations and many others. This day-long workshop will explore a unique model that was developed to address the long-term issues of the 9/11 families, rescue workers and survivors as victims of terrorism. The model provides insight into understanding and helping those affected by trauma due to natural and man-made disasters. Designed for helping professionals and other concerned individuals, a framework for assessing the vulnerabilities, needs, and strengths of those affected will be covered. Steps to promote the natural resiliency in populations experiencing trauma will be explored. The day will include a panel discussion of individuals directly affected by 9/11 and a panel discussion of trauma experts.

Event Info
Saturday October 9, 2010

Rutgers Bloustein School
33 Livingston Ave.
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

$85 (includes lunch)
5 Clinical CEUs for Social Workers and LPCs

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