This is the eighth straight day of rain in the northeast...but the weather man promises sun will come out in the next few days. Hopefully you have escaped the torrential rain.
This week I attended the workshop on the WTC Museum sponsored by the LMDC, the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation, Civic Alliance to Rebuild Downtown New York and New York New Visions. Family members, residents and other interested parties participated in the event. I found the presentation informative and productive. Each working group shared common themes of telling the story of 9/11 and honoring those who perished in the attacks. A transcript of the workshop will be available on the LMDC website soon.
VOICES began our Wednesday evening sibling teleconference group. It is off to a good start but there are still openings. Please contact the office if you are interested in joining this group or other existing groups.
VOICES will sponsor a confidential anxiety and depression screening Monday through Thursday this week. Information is listed below.
The Public Discourse Project will release its second report card in Washington, D.C. this week. We encourage family members to attend. The panel may also be televised on C-SPAN.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the millions of people that have been affected in the catastrophic earthquake in Pakistan and India. We have included a list of agencies providing aid if you wish to make a contribution.
We hope you are all well. Please feel free to contact our office (203) 966-3911 or toll free
(866) 505-3911 if we can be of any assistance.
Warm Regards,
Mary Fetchet
Monday, October 17th - Thursday, October 20th from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm EST
Voices of September 11th will offer free, anonymous screenings over the telephone for people who think they may be suffering from anxiety or depression. Because of 9/11 and subsequent terrorist attacks and natural disasters, many Americans are reporting symptoms of depression, anxiety, panic attacks and post traumatic stress. The screenings will be held from Monday, October 17th through Thursday, October 20th from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm EST by contacting the VOICES office at
(203) 966-3911 or toll free at (866) 505-3911. For more information on the screening, please visit VOICES website.
VOICES' new evening support group for siblings held its first meeting this Wednesday, October 12th. The group will meet every other Wednesday evening from 7:30 to 8:30 pm. At this time, VOICES offers teleconference groups for Adult Children; Dads; Firefighter's Moms; Parents; Rescue and Recovery Workers; Survivor's and Witnesses; Siblings; and Wives. To see a complete schedule of the teleconference and in-person support groups offered by VOICES, please click here. All those who are interested in participating in a teleconference group can email or call VOICES at 866-505-3911. The teleconference groups are facilitated by a mental health professional and provided at no cost to the participants. Prior registration is required.
Through the generosity of the public, the American Red Cross has awarded a $55,000 payment to the estates of 2,869 people (as of 9/30/05) who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks on America, or who still are missing four years later. The estates of nearly 100 decedents still have not claimed this payment. If you are the executor or administrator of an estate for a 9/11 victim, and you have not applied for the Estate Gift (also called the Supplemental Gift), the Red Cross is urging that you call (877) 746-4987 to request an application. Click here for more information and visit the Red Cross September 11 Recovery Program's website and click on “Resources".
VOICES would like to remind you the 9/11 Treatment Program at Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute is offering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder treatment at no cost. For more information on PTSD and the Columbia program please click here.
New York City subways were under high alert for a terrorist attack over the weekend, but the alert was lowered to normal Monday afternoon. The alert was raised by Mayor Michael Bloomberg and NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly in response to a specific threat of suicide bomb attacks against mass transit identified by an Iraqi informant. Though the Iraqi informant's claims were not substantiated by other intelligence sources, New York officials defended the precautionary measures taken over the weekend, according to a New York Newsday article. Some, including 9/11 Commission Chairman Tom Kean, have criticized the Department of Homeland Security for publicly discounting the credibility of the threat against New York even while City officials maintained that the danger was real (article). Though it is unclear whether this specific plot against New York was genuine, House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Peter King (R-NY) said in a New York Daily News Editorial on Thursday that "it would have been criminal negligence for the police commissioner not to respond the way he did."
The Senate Intelligence Committee is set to release its report on the Defense Department’s controversial Able Danger program in the next two weeks, according to a recent article in the Washington Times. The Intelligence Committee has been investigating Able Danger for several months, and recently received a series of closed-door briefings from officials at the Pentagon and FBI regarding the secret program.
The Senate Judiciary Committee has also been looking into Able Danger. The committee held a hearing on September 21st in which many Senators expressed dissatisfaction with the Pentagon’s policy of barring military personnel from appearing before the committee publicly because of secrecy concerns, as described in a New York Times article. A second public panel, originally set for October 5th, was postponed out of respect for the Jewish holidays and has not been rescheduled. Both Senate Committees intend to find out definitively whether Able Danger operatives identified 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta as a potential terrorist before the September 11th attacks. For more information on Able Danger, please read a recent Washington Post article and stay posted to VOICES website for new developments in this very important investigation.
The 9/11 Public Discourse Project will release it's second report card next Thursday, October 20th in Washington, D.C. The release will take place at 10:30 am at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Oceanic Room. Part II of the report card will focus on reforming the institutions of government, including the CIA, FBI and Congress. All are encouraged to attend, and VOICES will summarize the report in next week's e-Newsletter. Please click here to read a detailed press release from the PDP.
The 45-minute film "Last Best Chance" produced by VOICES advocacy partner the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), will be shown on HBO this Monday, October 17th, from 8:00 to 9:00 pm. This excellent film dramatizes the chilling scenario of a terrorist WMD attack on the American homeland. The film addresses topics that can be difficult for people affected by 9/11, so we recommend viewer discretion. However, everyone at VOICES has seen the film and encourages our members to educate themselves on this vital National Security issue. For more information about the film please visit the NTI website or read an HBO press release.
The Pentagon Memorial Fund has launched a new drive to raise the $10 million in private funds needed to complete the 9/11 Memorial. An eBay auction featuring tickets to major sporting and cultural events and other donated items continues until early tomorrow. Click here to bid in support of the Pentagon Memorial. Other fundraising initiatives including a penny drive are in the works. Please visit the Pentagon Memorial website for opportunities to donate and more information on this moving tribute.
Sunday, October 16th
WTC Families for Proper Burial Rally
1:30 pm Gather at the corner of Church and Liberty Streets (SE corner of WTC site)
2:00 pm Rally begins to support respectful burial of 9/11 victims' remains now at Fresh Kills
Monday, October 17th
WTC Families for Proper Burial Court Conference
2:00 pm Hearing begins at the Southern District Court, NYC, 500 Pearl Street.
There will be no statements made by family members, but your presence will go far in showing the large number of people who care about the burial of the dead and support the efforts of WTCFFPB. Please write to WTC Families for Proper Burial for more information or to attend either of these events.
Saturday, October 22
WTCUFG Creative Art Therapy Workshop
3 hour and a half sessions between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm
Located in Madison, NJ. Please contact WTCUFG for more information at (732) 292-2910
The FDNY Memorial Quilt, Port Authority Civilian Memorial Quilt and the EMS Memorial Quilt will be shown at the Byron Fire Department, 232 West 2nd Street, Byron, IL on October 16, from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. Byron is about 100 miles northwest of Chicago. Questions can be directed to: Jean Kwiatkowski at
Khalid M. Shahid Annual Memorial Golf Outing
When: Thursday. October 20, 2005
Where: Beaver Brook Country Club Annandale, NJ
Contact: Jaffer Shahid at or (908) 578-1118 for more information
Join the family and friends of Khalid M. Shahid for their Fourth Annual Golf Outing.
Michelle Renee Bratton Memorial Golf Tournament
When: Thursday, October 20, 2005; 8:30 am shotgun start; Buffet lunch at 1:30 pm
Where: Stoney Ford Golf Course, Montgomery, NY
Contact: Jim O'Laughlin at (914) 283-5928 for more information
or click here
Join the family and friends of Michelle Renee Bratton for their Annual Golf Tournament.
Please click here to send us information on your memorial or foundation event. The information will be posted on the VOICES website and included in upcoming e-Newsletters.
Copyright © 2005 Voices of September 11th. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.