Dear Families and Friends,
We are looking forward to a very special Service of Remembrance at St. Paul's Chapel tomorrow and hope to see as many family members as possible at the event. The Chapel is beautifully decorated for the Holidays. The program will include a candle lighting service and performances by several renowned choirs and musicians. Following the service, families will be invited to sign their loved one's name on the base of a sculpture created for the 9/11 families in memory of our loved ones. Family members will also have access Ground Zero. At 2:30 p.m. we will gather in the courtyard of St. Paul's and proceed down to Ground Zero for a time of private reflection and remembrance. More details on this exciting program are available below. Thank you to all who called and made reservations. Open seating is available on a first come first service basis, but seating is limited.
Recognizing the increased needs of those affected by 9/11 during the holidays, VOICES is offering an additional drop-in teleconference group next week for rescue workers, survivors and witnesses. Information about the support groups is available below.
As we approach the holiday, all of us at VOICES are thinking of you. We hope to see you at the Service of Remembrance on Saturday. Feel free to contact us toll-free at (866) 505-3911 if we can be of any assistance.
Warm Regards,
Mary Fetchet
Holiday Memorial Services near Ground Zero
Thank you to all who have registered in advance for VOICES Service of Remembrance for families in memory of those who perished on 9/11. The service will be held on Saturday, December 17 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. at St. Paul's Chapel in New York City, directly across from the WTC site. The program will include a candle lighting service and performances by several renowned choirs and musicians to honor loved ones. Special guests include the Harlem Gospel Choir, Loco-Motion Children's Dance Theatre, Sonny Fortune, renowned saxophonist, flutist and composer and the Cheam High School Chapel Choir from Berkshire, England. Guests who have not registered in advance will be seated on a first-come, first-served basis. Click here for more information.
Following the service, families will be invited to write their loved one's name on the base of the sculpture, "Ascent", created for the 9/11 families by Artist Mark Pilato. In addition, messages written during the service will be enclosed inside the base of the sculpture. St. Paul's Chapel also invites families to bring an ornament in memory of your loved one that will be placed on the tree in their courtyard. The Port Authority has generously agreed to allow families attending the Remembrance Service to have access to the WTC site from 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. At 2:30, families will leave the courtyard of St. Paul's and be escorted down the ramp at Ground Zero to pay their respects.
All events for 9/11 Families only
Sunday, Dec. 18th 11:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m.
Family Access to Ground Zero -- 9/11 Families will be escorted down the ramp at the WTC site to pay their respects.
Saturday, Dec. 24th from: 11:45 p.m. to 12:45 a.m.
Midnight Mass with Fr. Brian Jordan --
Family viewing area.
Every night starting Sunday, Dec. 25 5:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
lighting at Family viewing area,
Rabbi Potasnik will coordinate each night.
For a complete listing of all upcoming memorial events, please click here.
Please click here to send us information on your memorial or foundation event. The information will be posted on the VOICES website and included in upcoming e-Newsletters.
The Holiday Season by Dr. Robin F. Goodman |
by Robin F. Goodman, PH.D
The winter holidays seem to follow fast on the heels of the September 11th anniversary. Like many occasions, they can be an exciting time for some and a challenging one for others. There are an abundance of public reminders about the holidays – at places of worship, in shopping malls, in the mail, at school, and at work – that may trigger thoughts of holidays past. Whether you celebrate thanksgiving, Hanukah, Christmas, Kwanza, there is a private aspect to every holiday that should be honored and those impacted by 9/11 should do what feels best.
Whether the holidays are particularly difficult because they are upsetting, or if you are feeling hopeful but stressed because they are hectic, the following are some suggestions for getting through the season:
· Plan ahead: Making plans for the holidays requires thinking back to what has and has not worked in the past and what you might want to do differently. Often the biggest hurdle to overcome is just starting. Making even a small plan can be a relief and get things going.
· Pace yourself: The holidays are often more than one day – there are parties, gifts, gatherings, travel, religious services. You should pick and choose what you want to do and what you feel good about doing.
· Be forgiving: Once decisions are made you should feel confident in your choices. If plans change, if you change your mind, or if things don’t work out, be forgiving of yourself and others.
· Be accepting: Individuals manage the holidays, stress, and their 9/11 related feelings in different ways. People also express their feelings in different ways and how they present on the outside may not be how they truly feel on the inside. Relationships also evolve and change over time, so what worked when children were small, or when extended family were near by may need to be revised.
· Keep expectations real: Everyone’s situation is different and reality is likely different from the perfect holidays portrayed on television and in movies. Decide and perhaps visualize what you will actually do for certain activities and what will happen; from who cooks to how people get along. Have realistic goals – go to one party, decorate store bought cookies, schedule one fun holiday activity with the kids.
· Involve others: Give everyone a chance to talk about how they are feeling, what is most important, and what they want to do for the holidays – kids included. Then make plans together, ideally while leaving room for individual preferences. Enlist your support system to help with activities you predict will be difficult. It is a perfect time to accept help from others – you get what you need and you let someone else feel good about giving.
· Find a calm zone: All the rushing and commitments can take its toll. Know when and how to take a break. Activities that allow you to recharge should be a priority during the holidays. Scented candles, tea with a friend, keeping to an exercise schedule, not answering the phone, are some of the many ways to manage stress, handle difficult feelings, and feel more in control.
· Help kids: Parents should find ways to balance children and teens’ participation in festive activities with everyday routine. Parents may need to monitor gift giving to deserving children but keep in mind that children of all ages need and appreciate gifts of time and attention too. Remember to help children give to others as well.
· Create and maintain meaning: Think about what to maintain while respecting everyone’s wishes. Repeating either some or all of previous traditions can be comforting. But creating and establishing new ones can be helpful at times. Consider ways to embrace the past, perhaps with a retelling of favorite stories, eating favorite foods, or visiting favorite places as a way to acknowledge someone special. Helping others in need can also add valuable meaning at holiday time.
Give thanks for any small or large accomplishments you and your family have made this year. And reflect on what and who has helped you get through rough times in the past and envision wished for joyous times ahead.
Holiday Teleconference Support Groups |
***Please be aware the information on VOICES drop-in groups has changed***
The holidays are often a hectic time but there can be added stress for those affected by 9/11. To help you cope and share your thoughts and feelings, VOICES has scheduled a drop in teleconference group for 9/11 family members on Thursday December 22 from 12:00 -1:00 pm EST. The teleconference group will be facilitated by VOICES Director of Family Programs Robin Goodman Ph.D.
VOICES has added a second drop in group especially for rescue workers, witnesses, and survivors on Friday, December 23rd from 10:30 to 11:30 am EST. This group will be facilitated by Judy Stotz, L.P.C. Prior registration is required by calling the VOICES office at (203) 966-3911 or toll-free at
(866)505-3911. If you would like to participate but are unavailable at this time, please contact Additional call in times will be scheduled.
We will be closing the VOICES office at 5 pm on Friday, December 23rd for the Holidays. The office will reopen on Tuesday, January 3rd. Please be advised that during this period we will not be offering teleconference or in-person support groups. We will be publishing a shorter E-Newsletter next Friday.
All of us at Voices hope you enjoy the vacation time with family and friends. We'll see you in 2006!
VOICES is happy to pass along the following information from WTC Families for Proper Burial:
WTC Families for Proper Burial’s attorneys have given the City's attorneys a report of our efforts and suggestions to date. We do not yet have a response. We expect some response before our rescheduled court date: Thursday, December 22, 2005 at 10:00 a.m.
What can you do to help? Work toward getting the religious community to see the moral value of our mission. We need as many letters of support and commitment from the clergy as soon as possible. For many this is a religious issue: we have not been able to perform the religious rituals and rites we practice in burying our dead. We need and want to exercise this freedom of religion as we bury the remains of the Sept. 11 dead in a dignified and proper location. All letters should be as official as possible and can be sent to: WTC Families for Proper Burial, Inc., P.O. Box 236, Fanwood, NJ 07023
Save The Date:
DATE: Thursday, December 22, 2005
TIME: 10:00 AM
LOCATION: The Southern District Court, NYC,
500 Pearl Street.
We know that the date causes problems with the holidays and with traffic, etc., but we really need to show our solidarity.
A federal judge will allow 9/11 family members to watch the death penalty phase of Zacharias Moussaoui’s trial for conspiracy in the 9/11 attacks. The proceedings will be broadcast via closed-circuit television to federal courthouses in Manhattan and Long Island, N.Y.; Newark, N.J.; Philadelphia; Boston and Alexandria, Va., U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema said in an order last Tuesday.
Family members are required to register in advance with the federal courts by filing a form availble by clicking here for a .pdf version. All 9/11 family members should receive a hard copy of the form in their U.S. Mail.
Please mail the completed form to the following address:
Victim/Witness Unit
United States Attorney's Office
Eastern District of Virginia
2100 Jamieson Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22314
Copyright © 2005 Voices of September 11th. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
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