Thanks to all the families who responded to our survey and provided suggestions for the September 10th Information Forum. The final schedule for the panel discussions and support groups will be released in mid-August. Please submit any additional suggestions by participating in a brief survey. In addition to the panel discussions and support groups we are planning to display quilts and children's artwork. If you are aware of collections of children's artwork for consideration please contact our office at
VOICES continues to support the Take Back The Memorial campaign to remove the International Freedom Center and the Drawing Center from the WTC Memorial site. To date, over 1900 family members have signed the online petition at Two new initiatives announced this week are included in our Memorial Update below. We urge you to join the effort to ensure an appropriate memorial for our loved ones at Ground Zero.
In an effort to keep our members notified of September 11th commemorative events around the country we are collecting information to include in our newsletter and website. Please submit information about upcoming events scheduled in your community via email to Feel free to include any photos.
We'd like to remind you that VOICES is selling Flags of Honor. The flags include names of all those who perished on September 11th. Proceeds from the sales will benefit both VOICES and the Flag of Honor organization, which plans to provide each 9/11 family with a framed canvas replica. Orders for the flag or the poster can be placed online here.
As always, our best wishes to you and your families.
Warm Regards,
Mary Fetchet
A new telephone support group for Rescue and Recovery Workers who worked at Ground Zero met for the first time on Wednesday. The group is facilitated by VOICES Mental Health Professional Andrea Berry, LCSW. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 10th at 10:00 am EST. Space is available if you are interested in joining this group. There is no charge, but registration is required. Please call VOICES toll-free at (866) 505-3911 for more information on this or other support groups.
9/11 Public Discourse Project Update |
On Tuesday, August 2nd, the 9/11 Public Discourse Project (PDP) will hold the first of two panel discussions on Foreign Policy. The event will focus specifically on U.S. policy towards Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. Tuesday’s panel will be moderated by former 9/11 Commission Vice Chairman Lee H. Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton is currently President and Director of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Prior to serving on the Commission, Mr. Hamilton served for 34 years in the U.S. House of Representatives, where he chaired the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, as well as numerous other committees and subcommittees. Panelists will include Ambassador A. Elizabeth Jones, Ambassador Dennis Ross and author Steve Coll. Their vast wealth of knowledge on international relations and foreign policy will provide for an informative and spirited discussion.
Please click here to read an excerpt from the 9/11 Commission Report on foreign policy recommendations for the above mentioned countries. Of greatest importance in these areas is eliminating terrorist sanctuaries while maintaining, or preferably, improving relations with the leaders and citizens of those countries. Terrorism is a global ill, and it is only through vigorous international cooperation and dedication that it will be combated. The distinguished group of panelists will likely discuss these, and many other issues. For more information, please visit the 9/11 PDP website.
The 8th and final panel is scheduled for September 1st. The PDP will then release a report card on September 12th. Time and location
will be announced at a later time.
Please click here to read a letter from U.S. Senator Jon S. Corzine's (D-NJ) office regarding the Fallen Heroes of 9/11 Act. The bill (S.1423) would provide for a medal of appropiate design to be awarded by the President to the next of kin or other representative of those killed as a result of the terrorist attacks of Septmeber 11th. The legislation was introduced in the Senate by Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) with 28 co-sponsors on July 19th. If you would like to support this legislation we encourage you to write to your Senators. Contact information is available at
Please forward this information to other 9/11 families who may be interested in contacting their elected officials. As always, feel free to call our office with any questions.
Fifteen Major September 11 Family Organizations Announce Two New Initiatives
Fifteen September 11 organizations representing the majority of the families of victims lost in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 today announced the launch of two new initiatives that will help America ‘Take Back the Memorial’ at
Ground Zero.
Campaign America is
the way that concerned communities across the country can show their
support to “Take Back the Memorial.” Concerned citizens are
encouraged to download the Campaign America Resolution located at and present it to their local city or
town councils for consideration. Municipalities which have passed the
resolution, will be listed on the Campaign America Honor Roll. The passing of the Campaign America
Resolution by communities across America will send a powerful message
that this is America’s 9/11 Memorial, and American communities will
not stand for the International Freedom Center and Drawing Center being located on the World Trade Center site.
The Offline Petition Drive is an extension of the widely successful online petition by
Currently the online petition has garnered over 36,000 signatures including nearly 1900 family relatives of September 11 victims. The
offline petition will reach supporters without easy access to the
internet. We encourage supporters to printout the Petition kit and instructions and gather
the signatures of friends, neighbors, and co-workers.
4th Annual Randy Scott Memorial Golf Outing
When: Thursday, August 4, 2005 at 1:45 pm (Dinner at 6:00 pm)
Where: Sterling Farms, 1349 Newfield Avenue Stamford, CT 06905
Join together with the friends and family of Randy Scott for a day of golf, BBQ, and more. Please view a flyer of the event for more information, or call (203) 322-3730. If you are unable to attend, consider becoming a foundation sponsor to help Stamford, CT students afford their college education.
4th Annual Morty Frank Memorial Golf Outing
When: Monday, August 8, 2005
Where: Cold Spring Country Club in Huntington, NY
Contact: 610-995-2175
Join together with the friends and family of Morty Frank for a day of golf and more to provide scholarships to graduating students of Lynbrook High School. Click here for more information or call 610-995-2175 to request an invitation.
Please click here to send us information on your memorial or foundation event. The information will be posted on our website and distributed in the newsletters.
VOICES Mental Health Staff
Andrea Berry, LCSW, joined the VOICES mental health staff in July 2003 and works along with other VOICES Mental Health Professionals Judy Stotz, LPC and Dr. Robin Goodman. She holds a masters degree in social work from the University of Connecticut and has 18 years of clinical experience. She has had training and experience in trauma and disaster response. She is also a Level II EMDR Clinician. As part of the VOICES team, Andrea facilitates teleconference groups for adult siblings, widows with adult or no children, firefighter mothers, and rescue and recovery workers. In addition, she provides in-person groups at the VOICES office for adult siblings, as well as individual phone support and anxiety and depression screenings. To speak with Andrea or any of the VOICES Mental Health staff, call our toll-free number at (866) 505-3911.
July 28, 2005
The Federal Bureau of Investigation's backlog of untranslated terrorism intelligence doubled last year, and the time it takes the bureau to hire translators has grown longer, officials said Wednesday... More
July 27, 2005
A coalition of U.S.-based Muslim groups launched an intensified anti-terrorism campaign Monday using community groups to persuade young people their religion provides no basis for violence... More
Copyright © 2005 Voices of September 11th. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
Voices of September 11th (“VOICES”) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization promoting public policy reform for prevention, preparedness and response related to terrorism. VOICES supports and advocates for all those impacted by September 11, 2001 and other terrorist attacks. |