VOICES is receiving a great response for our September 10th Information Forum and September 11th Commemorative Luncheon in New York City. A detailed schedule will be posted on our website next week. We hope you will join us and encourage you to register to ensure your space.
In accordance with a lawsuit filed by the New York Times and some family members, the FDNY today released transcripts and recordings of radio communications from 9/11 involving Fire Department personnel. Although it is important for all information related to the events of 9/11 to be public knowledge, we recognize that these recordings are likely to be difficult to listen to or read. We remind you that exposure to new information may cause a reoccurrence of feelings following the event. VOICES mental health professionals are available to talk with families who may feel a renewed sense of grief or distress.
Two important announcements were made yesterday regarding the possible removal of the Drawing Center and International Freedom Center from the proposed Ground Zero Memorial site. We have included a series of articles and editorials on this issue in our Memorial Updates section below.
With the anniversary less than a month away, all of us at VOICES extend our ongoing offer of support and assistance. If you have any questions or concerns or would like to speak with a mental health professional, please do not hesitate to call.
Warm regards,
Mary Fetchet
Below is information received by VOICES from the New York City Fire Department regarding the release of certain transcripts and audio recording from 9/11.
On March 24, 2005, the New York State Court of Appeals (the State's highest court) ruled in a case brought by the New York Times and certain family members to obtain various Fire Department
records relating to the events of September 11, 2001 under the state's
Freedom of Information Law. Among the records the Court directed to be
released were transcripts of the Fire Department's oral histories and tapes
and transcripts of radio communications involving Fire Department personnel
(primarily dispatch recordings). In compliance with the Court's decision,
the Department plans to release the oral histories and radio communications
(including a log of EMS calls) on August 12, 2005 to the families who sought
their release in the lawsuit, to the New York Times, and to other members of the press.
1. Oral Histories
The Court of Appeals ordered that the oral histories conducted of Fire Department personnel in the aftermath of the
attacks must be disclosed, except for those portions likely to cause serious
pain or embarrassment to interviewees who believed that the interviews were
confidential. The oral histories have been redacted (i.e. had material
deleted from them) in accordance with the decision.
2. Radio Communications
With respect to the radio communications,
the Court of Appeals determined that opinions and recommendations made by
Fire Department personnel during dispatch calls on September 11th do not
need to be disclosed, but that all other aspects of those communications had
to be disclosed. The Department determined that no portions of the
recordings fall within this exemption and therefore all of the 9/11 dispatch
communications will be made available.
In addition to the recordings of dispatch
communications, the Department will also disclose a printed log of EMS calls
referred to as the Emergency Medical Service Computer Aided Dispatch (EMS
CAD) as well as a transcript and tape which have been previously released of
communications over the repeater system in the World Trade Center.
Consistent with the Court's opinion, the Department has redacted from the
EMS CAD medical information and information that would identify the callers,
and has determined that no portion of the repeater transcript or tape is
subject to redaction.
If the family of a person who died at the World Trade Center wants a copy of these records, one copy will be made available to each family who submits a request. The request should be made by the family member who applied for the death certificate. Requests should be made by mail, and should be addressed to:
Alexandra Fisher, Special Assistant Counsel
New York City Fire Department
Room 8N-5
9 Metrotech Center
Brooklyn, New York 11201
Yesterday, an announcement was made indicating the SoHo based art gallery known as the Drawing Center would explore alternate locations for its planned downtown gallery. Fourteen family groups, including VOICES, are opposed to the occupancy of the International Freedom Center (IFC) and Drawing Center on the grounds of the World Trade Center Memorial site. An announcement was made yesterday that the IFC will be required to release a plan by September 23rd detailing their proposed use for the building. This will be followed by a period of public comment and consultation. These announcements are a step forward, but disagreements continue to divide both sides. We encourage you to read the recent articles and editorials below and post your opinions on the VOICES bulletin board. Along with other family groups, VOICES will remain steadfast to ensure an appropriate and respectful memorial for our loved ones.
A Victory For 9/11 Families (Newsday, August 12)
A Fiasco Governed Not By Liberty - But By Fear (Newsday Editorial, August 12)
Freedom Center's Place at Ground Zero In Question (New York Times, August 12)
Weak Spines at WTC Site (Newsday Editorial, August 12)
Relatives Now Shift Fight To Freedom Center (Newsday, August 12)
4th Annual Firefighter Michael Paul Ragusa Memorial Golf Event
When: Friday, August 26, 2005...7:00 am for registration and continental breakfast and 8:00 am Shotgun Start
Where: Dyker Beach Golf Course, 7th Avenue & 86th Street, Brooklyn, NY
Cost: $150 per player (includes greens fee, golf carts, beverages, BBQ at turn and a hot food luncheon to follow)
Join the friends and family of Michael Ragusa for a day of food and golf to benefit the Michael Paul Ragusa Scholarship Fund. For more information, please contact Vinny Ragusa at (631) 786-3606 or Scott Palma at (917) 416-3903. Hurry, space is limited!
Please click Here to send us information on your memorial or foundation event. The information will be posted on the VOICES website and included in our newsletters.
StoryCorps, the nationally acclaimed oral history project, has recently opened a second booth in New York City on the concourse level of the World Trade
Center site (the first is at Grand Central Station). The World Trade Center StoryBooth is a recording studio where people
can share their stories of 9/11. Visitors are
to come with a person they feel comfortable with such as
a friend, family member or co-worker to make it easier for them
in telling their story. The booth is open to the
general public, with special access given to families, rescue workers and survivors of 9/11.
Upon arrival at the StoryBooth, a trained facilitator
will explain the process for the 40 minute interview. At the end of the session participants receive a CD copy of their interview. With permission, a second CD becomes
part of the
StoryCorps Archive at the Library of
Congress, and a third copy is given to the World
Trade Center Memorial Museum. StoryCorps will be available to schedule interviews and answer questions at VOICES September 10th Information Forum, or for more information, visit the StoryCorps WTC website and enter the password "remember."
August 12, 2005
Families and colleagues of firefighters lost on Sept. 11, 2001 were preparing to revisit the chaos and loss of the day with the release of hours of radio transmissions and thousands of pages of firefighters' oral histories... More
August 8, 2005
A civil liberties board ordered by Congress last year has never met to discuss its job of protecting rights in the fight against terrorism, and critics say it is a toothless, under-funded shell with inadequate support from President Bush... More
Copyright © 2005 Voices of September 11th. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
Voices of September 11th (“VOICES”) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization:
Promoting public policy reform for prevention, preparedness and response related to terrorism
Supporting and advocating for all those impacted by September 11, 2001 and other terrorist attacks
Fostering international relationships