The media attention garnered from the release of the FDNY records last week is another difficult reminder of the public nature of our losses. We believe it is important to make this information available so that our first responders may be better prepared in the event of another catastrophic event. However, the onslaught of images and sounds from television, radio and print creates an environment in which it is nearly impossible to shield oneself from the grim reminders of that day. As always, we encourage you to speak with one of our mental health professionals should you feel a renewed sense of grief or distress.
In the next week you will be receiving our quarterly newsletter in the mail. Included will be a detailed schedule of events for the September 10th Information Forum. Please check our website periodically for updates and additions to this schedule. Online registration for the Information Forum is available here. The Marriott Financial Center Hotel, the site of this year’s Information Forum and Commemorative Luncheon, has graciously extended the deadline to August 24th for making room reservations for the September 11th weekend at the special VOICES rate of $189/night.
In the Memorial Updates section below you will find information on the work of one of our partners in the NYC Remembers campaign, a regional effort to establish September 11th as a national day of service and charity. VOICES strongly supports this effort and we hope you will participate.
Warm Regards,
Mary Fetchet
In an effort to ensure the availability of comprehensive affordable health coverage to all those who lost their coverage due to the death of the insured on September 11, 2001, we are reaching out to the families of Marsh & McLennan.
If you are a Marsh & McLennan family member your COBRA may be expiring. Please be aware of your COBRA expiration date, do not let your insurance lapse.
One of the options available to you is the GHI 9-11 Charitable Health Insurance Plan. For information contact Jennifer Jacobs at or Liz Mattson at
A regional campaign, known as NYC Remembers, was launched this week with a series of radio and television ads encouraging people to spend time on September 11th performing some type of service or charitable activity. The campaign was created by the organization One Day's Pay, whose mission is to establish September 11th as a national day of voluntary service, charity and compassion to "keep alive the memories of giving and selfless service that unified our nation following the terrorist attacks." VOICES strongly supports this initiative and encourages you to take some time during the week of September 11th to reach out to someone in need. Please visit NYC Remembers or read a recent article for more information on this positive and uplifting campaign.
First Annual Run to Remember
Mark Bingham and Tom Burnett
When: Sunday, September 11th, 2005 at 8:00 am
Where: Starting and finishing at Rincon Park on the Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA
Contact: or visit the race website
Help make history with the First Annual Run to Remember 9-11. There will be a 5K Run/Walk and a 10K Run. All proceeds will benefit the Mark Bingham Leadership Fund and the Tom Burnett Family Foundation. This will be a special event with beautiful views of San Francisco, special guest speakers and top finisher prizes.
Please click here to send us information on your memorial or foundation event. The information will be posted on the VOICES website and included in the newsletters.
World Trade Center Healing Services
Since September 11th, World Trade Center Healing Service of Saint Vincent Catholic Medical Centers has been committed to helping those affected by 9/11. The program is somewhat unique in that it combines specialized trauma treatment counseling with an integrative stress management program offering ear acupuncture and other holistic services such as reiki, reflexology, massage and hypnotherapy. These ancient techniques are state of the art when it comes to creating an inner sense of balance and harmony. Representatives of the World Trade Center Healing Service will be at VOICES' September 10th Information Forum to provide details and demonstrations of their services. See below for a brief explanation of some of the alternative therapies available.
Reflexology is the ancient art of using pressure points on your hands and feet to heal and revitalize your entire body. Reflexology helps to adjust your body's energy flow in order to keep your organs and glands in a constant state of balance. This focused form of acupressure and relaxation aids circulation, body detoxification and immune, muscular and nerve function.
Massage Therapy helps to relieve stress by loosening the muscles in the shoulders, neck and back by increasing circulation. Our muscles become tense when we experience emotional distress and massage enables us to let go of that tension.
Acupuncture is the world's oldest science. It holds that there is an extensive and complete energy system that flows through the body. When this stream flows freely the body is in balance and healthy. Interruptions and blockages cause stagnation and discomfort. Ear acupuncture is based on the fact that the ear has points that reflect all areas of the body and are mapped out on the ear.
Reiki is the Japanese word for Universal Life Force Energy. 'Rei' refers to the universal, unlimited aspect of this energy; and 'Ki' is the vital force flowing through all living things, nourishing them and keeping them alive. It is the energy of life itself. This energy is what flows through the hands of the reiki practitioner and helps to release stress and tension and balance your whole physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.
Aug 18, 2005
Mayor opposes their goal of relocating WTC material, which they say contains remains... More
Aug 18, 2005
Diane DeCarlo cannot adequately verbalize to others the torment she feels when she thinks that her brother Thomas Dowd's final resting place... More
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