Voices of September 11th offers our deepest sympathies to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who perished, and we offer our condolences to their families and friends. Our hearts also go out to all those who have suffered physical injuries and experienced the trauma of displacement because of this tragic and life changing event.
Hurricane Katrina's unprecedented destruction of homes and lives compels every American to do their part to aid the massive recovery effort. In this week's e-Newsletter, we have included a list of agencies collecting aid for Katrina relief. We urge you to give what you can to help the thousands of people in desperate need in the Gulf States.
Communities throughout the nation are actively collecting money and supplies for Katrina relief. Here in New Canaan, the YMCA is accepting donations at the armory and local Boy Scouts are collecting money in town for relief. VOICES plans to publicize efforts like this on our website, so please email us at info@voicesofsept11.org or call our office at 203-966-3911 to keep us updated.
Hurricane Katrina also reminds all of us that planning ahead is crucial for all traumatic, life-threatening situations. VOICES encourages all of you to participate in the National Preparedness Month Campaign by using our website's Preparedness page (click here). In partnership with the Department of Homeland Security and the American Red Cross, VOICES is providing daily readiness tips to help you form response plans and assemble emergency kits to prepare for a natural disaster or terrorist attack. Small steps taken in advance of an emergency will help provide your family with security and peace of mind during the critical first steps of a disaster.
Warm Regards,
Mary Fetchet
Hurricane Katrina's effect on the Gulf States only reinforces how vital it is to be prepared for a devastating emergency situation. Preparations are virtually the same for natural and man-made disasters, and modest actions taken now can help ensure safety and peace of mind for your families in case of an emergency. VOICES has joined the coalition to promote the September is National Preparedness Month campaign for 2005. A nationwide effort co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the American Red Cross, National Preparedness Month 2005 encourages Americans to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses and schools.
There are a few simple steps you and your family can take to become better prepared: Get a Kit, Make a Plan, Be Informed and Get Involved. This September, during National Preparedness Month, VOICES will be sending out preparedness “Tips of the Day”. Remember, preparedness begins at home. Below you will find the first five “Tips of the Day”.
9/1 - Best Way Out
Take a moment to imagine that there is an emergency, like a fire in your home, and you need to leave quickly. What are the best escape routes from your home? Find at least two ways out of each room. Now, write it down – you’ve got the beginning of a plan.
9/2 - Oh, the places you’ll go
Pick a place to meet after a disaster. Designate two meeting places. Choose one right outside your home, in case of a sudden household emergency, such as a fire. The second place you choose needs to be outside your neighborhood, in the event that it is not safe to stay near or return to your home.
9/3 - Make a connection
Choose an emergency contact person outside your area because it may be easier to call long distance than locally after a local/regional disaster.
Take a minute now to call or e-mail an out-of-town friend or family member to ask him or her to be your family’s designated contact in the event of an emergency. Be sure to share the contact’s phone number with everyone in the family.
During an emergency, you can call your contact who can share with other family members where you are; how you are doing; and how to get in contact with you.
9/4 - Emergency Contacts
Complete an emergency contact card and make copies for each member of your family to carry with them. Be sure to include an out-of-town contact on your contact care. It may be easier to reach someone out of town if local phone lines are out of service or overloaded.
You should also have at least one traditionally wired landline phone, as cordless or cellular phones may not work in an emergency.
Visit www.redcross.org or www.ready.gov for sample emergency contact cards.
9/5 - Man’s best friends
Dogs may be man’s best friend, but due to health regulations, most emergency shelters cannot house animals.
Find out in advance how to care for your pets and working animals when disaster strikes. Pets should not be left behind, but could be taken to a veterinary office, family member’s home or animal shelter during an emergency. Also be sure to store extra food and water for pets.
For more information, visit the Animal Safety section on www.redcross.org or visit the Humane Society Web site at www.hsus.org
Upcoming Conference and Forum Events |
Sep 6 - 7, 2005
Terrorism, Security, and America's Purpose: Towards a More Comprehensive Strategy
A National Policy Forum Marking the Fourth Anniversary of 9/11
Time: 8:15 am to 9:45 pm (9/6); 8:30 am to 4:45 pm (9/7)
Location: Capital Hilton, 1001 16th Street NW, Washington, DC
Contact: Please click here for more information and to register
Sep 9, 2005
Securing America in the 21st Century
Time: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Location: New York Univ., Eisner and Lubin Auditorium, 60 Washington Square South, New York, NY
Contact: Click here for a detailed schedule and registration
Sep 9, 2005
Launch of “On the Ground after September 11: Mental Health Responses and Practical Knowledge Gained”
Time: 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Location: Schimmel Auditorium to Pace University Downtown Manhattan, 1 Pace Plaza, New York, NY
Contact: Yael Danieli at 212-737-8524
Sep 10, 2005
VOICES Information Forum
Time: 10:30 am - 5:30 pm
Location: Marriott Financial Center Hotel, 85 West Street, New York, NY
Contact: Please click here to register
Sep 3 - 11, 2005
Torches Across America
A cross country motor cycle trip to show respect for those who lost their lives on September 11th and to rally support for our troops
Location: The trip starts in Oceanside, CA and ends in Washington, DC
Contact: For the trip route and more information visit www.torchesacrossamerica.com
Sep 17, 2005
9/11 Memorial Motorcycle Parade and Fundraiser
Parade open to cyclists and public servants
Time: 12:00 pm
Location: Dudley Perkins HD, 123 South Van Ness, San Francisco, CA
Contact: Nitrosmi@sonic.net for more information
Sep 8, 2005
Connecticut Remembers
Connecticut's 9/11 Memorial Service
Time: 5:00 pm
Location: Sherwood Island State Park, Westport, CT
Contact: (860) 550-6637 for more information
Sep 11, 2005
Greenwich 9/11 Memorial Event
Time: 9:00 am
Location: Town Hall, Greenwich, CT
Contact: Brook Urban 203-869-8444, ext. 111
Sep 11, 2005
Connecticut’s 9/11 Living Memorial
A tribute to 9/11 victim’s hopes and dreams through a creatively designed granite monument on the shores of the Long Island Sound
Location: Sherwood Island State Park, Westport, CT 06880
Contact: cthelps@po.state.ct.us for more information
Sep 11, 2005
9/11 Candlelight Memorial Service
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Elm Ridge Memorial Park, Indiana
Contact: Carrie Phelps at 765-288-5061
Sep 11, 2005
9/11 Remembrance and Emergency Worker Appreciation
Memorial event and video tribute
Location: Lone Oak Church of Christ, 2960 Lone Oak Road, Paducah, KY
Contact: 270-554-2511 for more information
Sep 11, 2005
Dedication of 9/11 Memorial
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Bord du Lac Drive, Lake Charles, Louisiana
Contact: Carol St. Dizier at 337-491-1388
Sep 10, 2005
Second annual 9/11 Memorial Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show
Featuring 9/11 memorial service and public service personnel recognition ceremony
Location: Gun Club Grounds in Hancock, MD
Contact: Visit http://maia58-70.tripod.com/id46.htm for more information
Sep 10, 2005
Fourth annual 9/11 Event to Benefit Operation Homefront
Featuring musical guests James Montgomery, Charlie Farren and Foxpass
Location: The Attic, 107 R. Union Street, Newton Centre, MA 02459
Contact: ri@operationhomefront.net
Sep 11, 2005
Commemoration and Madeline Amy Sweeney Award Ceremony
Commemoration program presided over by Governor Mitt Romney
Time: 8:30 am to 11:30 am
Location: Massachusetts House Chambers, State House Boston, MA
Contact: David Hastings at 617-482-8150
September 11, 2005
A Community Service of Remembrance, Hope and Healing
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Fisk Memorial United Methodist Church, 106 Walnut Street, Natick, MA
Contact: FiskUMC@aol.com
Time: Candlelight vigil at 6:00 pm on September 11th
Location: Strategic Air and Space Museum in Ashland, NE
Contact: Lynn Castrianno at lcastrianno@cox.net
Sep 7-11, 2005
Empty Sky…The Rising
An evening-length dance/theatre experience created by choreographer Bob Boross. All six performances support The Memorial Project. All seats are $35.
Time: 8:00 pm daily and 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm on Sep 11th
Location: Two River Theater, 21 Bridge Ave, Red Bank, NJ
Contact: Box office at 732-345-1400
Sep 10, 2005
Memorial Mass
Time: 5:00 pm
Location: Lady of the Valley Church, 630 Valley Road, Wayne, NJ
Contact: Diane Silbernagel at 973-333-6795
Sep 11, 2005
9/11 Memorial Dedication
Dedication of a landscape park memorial. The centerpiece of the memorial will be a steel beam salvaged from the World Trade Center
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: Top of the World Park, Green Brook Township, NJ
Contact: 732-968-1023, ext. 6602 for more information
Sep 11, 2005
Monmouth County 9/11 Memorial Dedication
The memorial is in remembrance of the 148 victims who resided in Monmouth County
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: Mt. Mitchell in Atlantic Highlands
Contact: Visit http://monmouthcounty911memorial.com/index.asp?action=7 for more information
Sep 11, 2005
Fourth annual commemoration of 9/11
Time: 8:46 am
Location: North Wildwood City Hall Grounds, 901 Atlantic Avenue, North Wildwood, NJ 08260
Contact: 609-522-7722 for more information
Sep 8, 2005
Second Annual Healing Community Concert and Art Exposition
There will also be a special fundraiser for victims of Hurricane Kartrina
Time: 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: St. Andrew’s Church, 20 Cardinal Hayes at Police Plaza, New York, NY
Contact: 212-346-2582 for more information
Sep 9, 2005
9/11 Commemoration Artwork Reception
There will be a reception for donation and installment of artwork
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Bellevue Hospital, Chapel Hall, 462 First Avenue New York, NY
Contact: James Saunders at 212-562-4516
Sep 9, 2005
A Day of Remembrance for All
A day of events hosted by Columbia University’s Resiliency Program. All activities are free and refreshments will be served
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Location: 707 West 171st Street, Ground Floor, between Haven Ave. and Ft. Washington Ave., New York, NY
Contact: 212-781-1046 for more information
Sep 9-11, 2005
Cycling Forward 2005
A three day bike ride sponsored by Beyond the 11th
Participants will ride from Ground Zero to Boston
Location: Ground Zero, NY to Boston, MA
Contact: Visit www.beyondthe11th.org or call 781-235-2229
Sep 9-13, 2005
Western NY Families of September 11th Flag Remembrance Tribute
Time: Candlelight Vigil on 9/9 at sundown
Location: Delaware Park, Buffalo, NY
Contact: Kathleen Lynch kalmrm@adelphia.net
Sep 10, 2005
Take Back the Memorial Rally at Ground Zero
VOICES Information will begin immediately after the rally
Time: 9:30 am to 10:30 am
Location: Corner of Church and Liberty Streets, New York, NY
Contact: Visit www.takebackthememorial.com for more information
Sep 11, 2005
The Bells of Remembrance
Family Members are encouraged to come ring the Bell of the Unforgotten for each of the over 1,000 victims whose remains are yet to be found
Time: 12:30 pm
Location: St. Peter's Church, Corner of Church St. & Barclay St., New York, NY
Sep 11, 2005
Interfaith Memorial Service
Held by The New York Jewish Healing Center of Jewish Board of Family along with Children’s Services
Time: 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm
Location: Stephen Wise Free Synagogue, 30 West 68th Street, New York, NY
Contact: Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub at 212-399-2320 ext. 215
Sep 11, 2005
Memorial Concert
Hosted by the British Memorial Garden Trust
Location: New York City Police Museum, 100 Old Slip, New York, NY
Contact: Visit www.britishmemorialgarden.org/events.html for more information
Sep 11, 2005
Rockland County Memorial Concert
Performance of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5
Time: 3:00 pm
Location: Haverstraw Bay Park, Haverstraw, NY
Contact: Alison Crowther at 845-353-6339
Sep 17, 2005
Search & Rescue and Service Dog Day
A showcase and recognition of all kinds of service dogs. FDNY Chief Peter Hayden will be honored as “Firefighter of the Year.” Keynote speaker Dr. Jane Goodall. Hosted by the Bear Search and Rescue Foundation
Time: 10:00 am-5:00 pm
Location: Intrepid Sea Air & Space Museum, Harbor Pier 86 (46th street), New York, NY
Contact: Visit www.bearsearchandresue.org for more information
Sep 11, 2005
Memorial Service
Location: Hickory, North Carolina
Contact: Dorothy Tracchi at tracchi!@aol.com or 732-297-0759
Sep 9-11, 2005
9/11 Ride to Pentagon
A three day ride from Ohio to DC to honor those lost on September 11th
Time: 8:00 am
Location: Medina, OH to Washington, DC
Contact: Angelo Carile at 440-376-1500 or John Kikol at 440-327-6966
Sep 11, 2005
9/11 Remembrance Service
Includes a reading of victim’s name, prayers, hymns and special readings
Time: 8:46 am to 2:15 pm
Location: Woodside Presbyterian Church, 1667 Edgewood Road, Yardley, PA
United In Memory Memorial Quilt Exhibit
Time: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Location: George Washington University, Washington, DC
Contact: Visit the website for more information
Upcoming Memorial Foundation Events |
Sep 11, 2005
First Annual Run to Remember
Type of Event: 10K Run & 5K Run/Walk
Start Time: 8:00 am
Location: The Embarcadero @ Market Street/Ferry Building, San Francisco, CA
Contact: joe@teambingham.org or visit their website
Sep 12, 2005
Bradley J. Fetchet Memorial Golf Tournament
Location: The Country Club of New Canaan (CT).
Contact: Frank Fetchet at ffetchet@aol.com or visit the website
Sep 14, 2005
Jackey Sayegh Duggan Charitable Foundation 4th Annual Food and Wine Celebration
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Strata, 915 Broadway at West 21st Street, NYC
Information: 718-748-7501
Sep 19, 2005
Gregory T. Spagnoletti Foundation Golf Tournament
Time: 9:00 am
Location: Branton Woods Golf Club, Hopewell Junction, NY
Contact: Cindy Kraemer at cwk@aboveparevents.com for more information
Sep 19, 2005
Michael J. Berkeley Golf Outing
Location: Westchester Country Club 99 Biltmore Avenue Rye , NY
Contact: Lourdes Perez-Berkeley at 914-244-1190 or visit www.mikebfoundation.org
Sep 23, 2005
Frank Thomas Aquilino Golf Outing
Time: 12:00 pm Registration; 1:00 pm Start
Location: Latourette Golf Course, Staten Island, NY
Contact: Visit www.golf4ft.com for more information
Sep 29, 2005
Joseph A. Ianelli Memorial Golf Outing
Time: 12:00 pm
Location: South Shore Country Club, 200 Huguenot Avenue, Staten Island, NY
Contact: Click for more information
Please click here to send us information on your memorial or foundation event. The information will be posted on the VOICES website and included in the newsletters.
Copyright © 2005 Voices of September 11th. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.