As you know it has been an eventful week with the recent announcement by Governor Pataki that the International Freedom center will be removed from the WTC Memorial site. This accomplishment was due to the tireless efforts of a coalition of family group leaders who comprised the Take Back the Memorial Campaign as well your efforts. Thanks to all the families and friends who signed petitions, attended rallies and made phone calls. Most importantly thank you for your continued input into what the families want at the memorial.
VOICES is excited to announce a new evening teleconference support group for siblings. The group will begin Wednesday, October 12th, and meet every other Wednesday evening from 7:30 to 8:30 pm. All of VOICES teleconference groups are facilitated by a mental health professional. Please contact our office at (203) 966-3911 or email for more information.
VOICES continues to work with the American Red Cross and the Department of Homeland Security to promote September as National Preparedness Month. This past Thursday, VOICES was honored to join the New Canaan Chapter of the American Red Cross and some of our local first responders to distribute a preparedness kit to Metro-North commuters (picture, left). The kits provide supplies and information to help New Canaan residents prepare for a catastrophic emergency. Our sincere thanks to Bonnie McEneaney, 9/11 family member and VOICES Board member, for generously underwriting the cost of the kit. Please remember to visit our website to review tips of the day to prepare your home, workplace and community.
Finally, we wish all of our families celebrating Rosh Hashanah this week a peaceful and happy holiday with your family and friends. We hope this e-Newsletter finds all of you well. As always, don’t hesitate to contact VOICES office at (203) 966-3911 if there is any way we can be of service.
Warm Regards,
Mary Fetchet
Voices Mental Health Programs |
Based on the overwhelming success of support groups at VOICES Information Forum,
VOICES will begin a new evening teleconference support groups for siblings beginning Wednesday, October 12th, and meet every other Wednesday evening from 7:30 to 8:30 pm. All those who are interested in participating can email or call VOICES at 866-505-3911. Meeting times will be based on participant availability. The telephone groups are provided at no cost to the participants but prior registration is required. At this time, VOICES offers teleconference groups for Adult Children; Dads; Firefighter's Moms; Parents; Rescue and Recovery Workers; Survivor's and Witnesses; Siblings; and Wives. To see a complete schedule for the teleconference and in-person support groups offered by VOICES, please click here.
Yesterday, the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee held hearings into the communications failures that continue to hamper our first responders’ disaster response. VOICES believes Congress must take action to provide sufficient radio spectrum and interoperable communications equipment to our first responders, and we appreciate the efforts of the 9/11 Commissioners, Sen. John McCain and Senator Joseph Lieberman to raise awareness on this critical weakness in our national preparedness. Please read two recent news articles from the Washington Post and NBC News that describe the communications failures on 9/11 and Katrina. And another article where Senator McCain criticizes the broadcasting lobby for preventing the reassignment of radio spectrum to first responders.
VOICES supports the McCain-Lieberman SAVE LIVES bill (click here to read Sen. McCain’s introduction to the legislation delivered on the Senate floor) which addresses the communications failures. In response to the Commerce Committee hearings, yesterday VOICES issued a press release urging Congress to bring SAVE LIVES to a vote. VOICES will continue to track this vitally important issue and the progress of the SAVE LIVES bill on our website.
A continuation of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearings into the Defense Department’s Able Danger Program, set for October 5, has been postponed (article). The Judiciary Committee announced the hearing was delayed in deference to the Jewish Holy Days. The hearing has not yet been rescheduled. The hearing was eagerly anticipated because the Defense Department barred key witnesses from testifying at the Committee’s first hearing, on September. (article) The witnesses, who were the main participants in Able Danger, were cleared to speak at the hearing scheduled for Wednesday, and their insight on the controversial program is extremely valuable. VOICES will update you when the new hearing date is announced.
Earlier this month I was honored to attend two events that explored new ways to combat violent extremism and promote democracy, development and peace around the globe.
VOICES Founding Director Mary Fetchet was honored to speak about “the human connection to the terrorism policy debate," at the conference, “Terrorism, Security and America’s Purpose: Towards a More Comprehensive Strategy” in Washington, D.C. The conference was organized by Steve Clemons, the director of America’s Purpose, a non-partisan organization dedicated to bring exceptionally new voices and ideas to the fore of our nation's public discourse. The conference sought to evaluate progress made and investigate new directions America's terrorism-related policies need to go for future success. Please visit the conference website to view a webcast of Mary's remarks (scroll down to Wednesday, 7 September at 12:45 PM). I also encourage you to view speeches of other participants who shared diverse viewpoints on the future of America’s struggle against terrorism. America’s Purpose held a follow up conference on September 21st which investigated economic strategies in the fight against terrorism. Click the link to read more about “Beyond Bullets”.
September 15th through the 17th I attended the Inaugural Meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative, held by Former President Bill Clinton in New York City. The summit brought together some of the world’s most prominent leaders, intellectuals and business people to strategize on topics related to religion and conflict, poverty, governance and climate control. Over a billion dollars was committed by participants for intitiatives to address these issues. For more information and transcripts of the Clinton Global Initiative’s Inaugural Meeting please visit their website.
The destruction caused to the Gulf Coast by Hurricane's Katrina and Rita are a grim reminder of the need to be prepared. Please click on the links below to read this week's preparedness tips.
Tip Twenty-Five
September 25th - Recovering Financially
Tip Twenty-Six
September 26th - Shake, rattle, and roll
Tip Twenty-Seven
September 27th - Floods
Tip Twenty-Eight
September 28th - Chemical Hazards
Tip Twenty-Nine
September 29th - Explosions and Fire
Tip Thirty
September 30th - Bioterrorism
On Wednesday, The International Freedom Center withdrew its bid to be a part of the WTC Memorial after Governor Pataki announced that it “cannot be located on the Memorial Quadrant.” Pataki’s announcement came after months of heavy pressure from the 15 major family groups, including VOICES, who advocated for the removal of the IFC (article). Pataki followed several high-level officials from both political parties who have voiced their opposition to the IFC recently (article).
Thanks to Governor Pataki, Senator Hillary Clinton, Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and New York Congressmen John Sweeney, Peter King and Vito Fossella for having the courage to support an appropriate and respectful memorial at the WTC site. VOICES first stated our opposition to the International Freedom Center in May (read press release),
and believes we have represented our membership appropriately by continuing to do so. Now we turn our efforts to realizing the vision of an inspirational, respectful Memorial for our loved ones at the heart of Ground Zero. Much work remains to be done, and, moving forward, VOICES will work with the members of the Take Back the Memorial coalition of family groups to represent the best interests of the families and accomplish our shared goals. More articles about the IFC are available on VOICES website.
WTC Families for Proper Burial still struggles for the proper and respectful burial of all human remains from the World Trade Center atrocity. Learning that bone fragments were found on the roof of the soon to be demolished Deutsche Bank building, we wish to make the following statement:
John P. Gallagher, speaking for the LMDC said, “It is important that any potential human remains be treated with the utmost dignity and respect.” We commend him for this conscientious approach to handling the remains of our loved ones. We also ask that, should these fragments prove to be human remains, work on the demolition of the Deutsche Bank building be halted while a more complete and careful search is made for other remains. In addition, we also hope that any and all remains found not be thrown away at the Fresh Kills garbage dump where so many other remains lie in total disregard for the dignified burial they deserve. We hope that Mr. Gallagher’s statement will persuade our elected officials to comply with our demand that the remains currently held at Fresh Kills be removed and buried with dignity in a place of respect, not a garbage dump.
For more information, please visit the WTC Families for Proper Burial website.
Sunday afternoon ( time TBA), October 16, 2005
WTC Families for Proper Burial is planning a rally to show support for the removal of the remains from Fresh Kills and the proper and respectful burial of all our loved ones. We have been forced to file a complaint against the City. Our Court Conference is scheduled for the following day, Monday, October 17. We need to show our commitment by standing together on the eve of this important day.
We need a large group to participate, rain or shine, in our peaceful but adamant rally. As we work out the details, we will send more information. For now, just please reserve this date as we show our solidarity of purpose: The people who died on September 11, 2001 deserve better than being left on top of household waste.
Questions or comments should be directed to
When: Sunday, October 9, 2005 at 1:00 pm
Where: Cheshire Park, Route 10, Cheshire, CT
Contact: Visit the website for more information
Join the friends and family of Mark Jardim for a 5K run/jog/walk and barbeque to benefit the Mark Jardim Memorial Scholarship Fund. There is also a fun run for kids and adults. Visit the website for more information and to pre-register. The first 200 registrants receive a t-shirt, so be sure to sign up soon!
Please click here to send us information on your memorial or foundation event. The information will be posted on the VOICES website and included in the newsletters.
Copyright © 2005 Voices of September 11th. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.