Again, this week we received more news related to 9/11 - from the 9/11 emergency calls, to additional remains found recently on the Deutsche Bank building adjacent to Ground Zero. Although it's often difficult to anticipate these images or media reports, try to limit your exposure as best you can if these issues are upsetting to you.
On a much different note, today we are in the midst of a very holy time for both Jews and Christians. Perhaps the news this week has made it difficult to focus on this special time of year. We hope that you are surrounded by family and friends, and have a most blessed and peaceful Passover or Easter.
VOICES is here if you need us. We are ready to help you in any way we can, so feel free to reach out. Please contact our office at (866) 505-3911 or by email.
Warm Regards,
Mary Fetchet
VOICES Programs and Support |
Voices of September 11th is inviting
unmarried "significant others" of 9/11 victims – such as those who were living together, domestic partners, or engaged – to participate in a weekly teleconference support group beginning Monday, April 24th from 11:00-12-00 pm EST. The group is open to males and females. The group will be facilitated by Judy Stotz, LPC. All VOICES teleconference support groups are offered free of charge, but advance registration is required. Interested individuals should call VOICES at (866) 505-3911 or (203) 966-3911 for more information.
Later this month, StoryCorps, the national oral history project, is making a special visit to VOICES of September 11th to give our families the opportunity to record their memories of loved ones and their own experiences. Recording sessions will take place on Thursday, April 27th from 12:30 to 7:30 pm and on Saturday, April 29th from 10:30 am to 5:30 pm. The VOICES office is located at 93 Cherry Street, New Canaan, CT. Reservations are required. (Click for more information)
September 10 and 11, 2006
VOICES Annual Information Forum and Commemorative Luncheon
Sunday, September 10th: Information Forum, open to September 11th families, survivors and rescue workers. Activities will focus on building resiliency and gathering together to remember our loved ones five years after 9/11. Children’s activities will be available.
Monday, September 11th: Commemorative Luncheon immediately following the Commemorative Events at Ground Zero. We are in the planning stages and will keep you updated in the VOICES
e-Newsletter and the VOICES website on the schedule of events for both September 10th and 11th. We welcome your suggestions and hope you are able to join other VOICES members from across the country and world as we continue to expand our community of support and friendship for all those affected by 9/11.
Unexpected 9/11 Reminders By Dr. Robin F. Goodman, VOICES Director of Family Programs -- Although September 11th, 2001 has become a part of history, reminders of the horrific day are ever present. It often seems impossible to avoid images, stories, photos, commentary, memorabilia and other things related to the attacks and hijackings in New York City, Washington, and Pennsylvania. It can be particularly difficult when caught off guard.
When: Monday, May 1st, 11:30 am
Where: High Mountain Golf Club,
845 Ewing Avenue,
Franklin Lakes, NJ
Contact: June Griffin at (201) 264-6260
Join the Friends of John M. Griffin at a memorial golf tournament to benefit Hope With Heart, a not-for-profit organization
which has been providing a life-changing experience
for children with heart disease for almost 20 years. Events include a golf tournament with shotgun start, a cocktail reception after the tournament, and a buffet awards dinner. Click for an invitation to the event (PDF file) and a response card (PDF file) to ensure your spot. Please make reservations no later than April 22, 2006.
Please click here to send us information on your memorial or foundation event. The information will be posted on the VOICES website and included in upcoming e-Newsletters.
"Ascent" by Mark Pilato at St. Peter's Church |
"Ascent" a celebration of life, a sculpture dedicated to the memory of 9/11 victims by sculptor Mark Pilato will be on exhibition in the Narthex and Stairwell Galleries at Saint Peter's Church in New York City until May 8th. The Church is located on 54th Street and Lexington Avenue in Manhattan. “Ascent” was dedicated at the Service of Remembrance hosted by VOICES and Mr. Pilato at St. Paul’s Chapel on December 17th, and remained on display in the Churchyard, overlooking Ground Zero before moving uptown this month. Click here to view an online photo album of this wonderful service for our loved ones.
Mr. Pilato sculpted “Ascent,” as seen in the picture at left, for the families of 9/11 to honor their loved ones and to remind us all of the beauty that exists. After the December 17th ceremony, The Right Reverend E. Don Taylor, vicar bishop of New York City, commented, "It was a moving experience to preside at the memorial service for those killed on 9/11. The highlight of the service came at the conclusion when I had the great privilege of blessing Mark Pilato's wonderful sculpture, ‘Ascent,’ which in one moving sweep of artistic beauty pulls together our gratitude for the people whose lives were lost and our triumphant hope for the future life…” If you could not attend the Service of Remembrance, VOICES encourages you to see “Ascent” at St. Peter's Church and place a prayer or words in its base. If you have lost someone close to you on 9/11, Mr. Pilato can arrange to have your loved one’s name etched into the base.
According to a new Federal report, A majority of survivors of the 2001 attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center suffered from respiratory ailments and depression, anxiety and other psychological problems up to three years later, according to the Associated Press.
The people who escaped from collapsed or damaged buildings on Sept. 11, 2001, were several times as likely to suffer from breathing problems or psychological trauma if they were caught in the cloud of trade center dust and debris that covered Lower Manhattan, researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said. Rescue and recovery workers at the site face similar health issues. The study was conducted through the World Trade Center Health Registry, which has been tracking the health of more than 71,000 people who worked at Ground Zero or were in the area on Sept. 11, as quoted in an Associated Press Article.
Click to read the report from the CDC (PDF file)
Click for Listings of Ongoing Health and Support Resources for WTC Survivors and Recovery Workers
Related Articles:
Policeman's death linked to post-9/11 work -- Respiratory failure due to toxic exposure at WTC site killed 34-year-old Officer James Zadroga, autopsy finds. (Associated Press)
Reps. Maloney, Fossella and Shays Demand 9/11 Responder Health Treatment Plan NOW--
Confirmation That NYPD Detective Died of WTC Illness Must Spur Fed. Government to Action, Representatives Say. (Congressional Press Release)
Pols call for 9/11 benefits -- New York elected leaders called yesterday for full pensions for the families of 9/11 responders whose deaths are linked to their service at Ground Zero. (NY Daily News)
(Press Release from NY and NJ Senators)
Debate Revives as 9/11 Dust Is Called Fatal -- In the cold, clinical language of the autopsy report of a retired New York City detective that was released this week, there were words that thousands of New Yorkers have come to anticipate and to fear: "It is felt with a reasonable degree of medical certainty that the cause of death in this case was directly related to the 9/11 incident." (New York Times)
400 Pieces of 9/11 Remains Found at Deutsche Bank Building -- Workers preparing the Deutsche Bank building at Ground Zero for demolition have found nearly 400 human bone fragments on the roof in the past two weeks, officials revealed yesterday (NY Daily News)
The Skyscraper Safety Campaign Responds to the 300 human remains found at Ground Zero --
Condemns the LMDC for gross mishandling of remains; Calls on President George W. Bush to intervene (Press Release)
Leak reveals official story of London bombings -- The official British Government inquiry into the 7 July London bombings will say the attack was planned on a shoestring budget from information on the internet, that there was no 'fifth-bomber' and no direct support from al-Qaeda. (London Observer)
Judge Indicts 29 in Madrid Train Bombings -- A Spanish judge issued the first indictments in the 2004 Madrid train bombings after a probe that uncovered a hornet's nest of Islamic militancy but no apparent link to al-Qaida
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Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.