Like all of you, we at VOICES were shocked and saddened by the terrorist attack this week in Mumbai, India. This attack was unique in that it targeted first-class train cars reserved for men, in an attempt to strike an economic blow as well as to kill and maim innocent citizens. What is not unique is the massive destruction -- nearly 200 dead and 700 wounded. Our hearts go out to the families in India facing the loss of their fathers, husbands, and brothers as well as the hundreds who face grave injury and a long recovery. We hope they will find strength and support from those who care for them and their broader community.
I want to thank the many individuals who sent letters of encouragement to those impacted by the London Bombings on the 1st anniversary. As you remember, getting through the first anniversary after suffering such a devastating loss was challenging. We have collected your letters and I'm certain that your words of support will be welcomed. This week we invite you to send us your messages of condolence and support to those impacted in India. Please email your message to and we will forward them on your behalf.
As we approach the 5th anniversary we are busy finalizing our plans for the September 10th Information Forum and September 11th Commemorative Luncheon in New York City. Our thanks to all those who participated in the survey. Your input was very valuable and helped shape our program. In the coming weeks you will receive an invitation in the mail and details about the event will be posted on our website.
We want to again remind those interested in reading names at NYC's September 11th Commemorative service that the deadline is Wednesday, July 26th. Husbands, wives and significant others have been invited to apply. Details are listed below.
Our best wishes to you and your family.
Warm Regards,

Mary Fetchet
The rescue and recovery workers teleconference group will be moving to a new day and time. Beginning on July 25th the group will meet every other Tuesday evening at 7:00. The new group facilitator will be Michelle Doherty, clinical social worker. As always, new members are welcome but registration is required. Please call the VOICES office toll-free at (888) 505-3911 for information and to register.
Many thanks to all of you who responded to our survey on what you, the 9/11 Community, want to see and experience at this years VOICES Information Forum on September 10th, 2006. The results have been very helpful as we finalize the program. The results of the survey show strong demand for programs and information on the following:
--Building resiliency and learning coping skills
--Learning more about the WTC Memorial and Memorial Museum
--Meeting with other family members for support and reflection
--Hearing updates about the identification of remains at Ground Zero
The guiding theme of this year's Information Forum is "Remember and Renew," and
will feature programs tailored to fit your needs.
We hope you are able to join other VOICES members from across the country and world as we continue to expand our community of support and friendship for all those affected by 9/11.
When: Monday, July 24, 2006
Time: Brunch 10:30 AM 12:00 Noon Shotgun Dinner 5:30 PM
Location: Montammy Golf Club Alpine, NJ
Contact: Richard Smith
(212) 535-2733
Please join the family and friends of Morty Frank with a day full of events at Montammy Golf Club to benefit the Morty Frank Memorial Fund. The fund provides scholarships to students based on academic and athletic merit, as well as financial need.

When: Monday, July 24, 2006
Time: Registration 7a.m.; Tee-off 8 a.m.; Lunch and awards presentation 1 p.m
Location: Crab Meadow Golf Course, Northport, NY
Contact: John Conroy at (914) 220-2244 and read the Event Flyer
On September 11th, 2001 we lost our beloved Paramedic Carlos
“Little Ricky” Lillo doing what he did best: saving lives. Carlos
was one of the most admired paramedics in New York City.
Carlos showed his courage, dedication and unwavering
commitment to the people of our city, state and nation on
September 11th with the ultimate sacrifice. It is in honor of this
great paramedic/person that we formed “The Carlos Lillo
Memorial Scholarship Fund”. The Carlos Lillo Memorial Golf
Outing will support the scholarship fund.
click here to send us information on your memorial or foundation event. The
information will be posted on the VOICES website and included in upcoming
We want to remind you that the official City and State commemorative events for September 11th will be held again this year at the World Trade Center site. The Mayor's office sent a letter to the families on June 21st with preliminary details on the program.
According to the letter, "this year spouses, partners, and significant others will deliver the reading of the names of the victims during the ceremony, while music will provide a backdrop throughout the program." The program is scheduled to end at noon, but, as in previous years, family members will be able to descend to the lowest level of the site to pay respects and lay flowers until 3 pm.
The letter from the Mayor's office states: "If you are a spouse, partner or significant other who would like to read, or would like to suggest an appropriate participant for the reading of the names, please email or call (212) 442-8953 by July 26, 2006. You will need to give your name, your phone number, the name of the spouse, partner or significant other you are recommending, the P and T number of the family member and the proposed reader's relationship to that family member. Participants will be selected by lottery and notified directly."
Please feel free to contact VOICES Family Liaison Debbie Westfal at (866) 505-3911 or by email at if we can be of any assistance.

On Thursday, U.S. Representatives Carolyn B. Maloney (D-Manhattan, Queens) and Vito Fossella (R-Staten Island, Brooklyn) issued a press release asking: "federal 9/11 Health Coordinator Dr. John Howard to give Congress an update on the federal government's progress in responding to widespread health problems caused by the collapse of the World Trade Center towers. Maloney and Fossella expressed confidence in Howard's commitment to his new assignment but noted that much more work remains to be done to medically monitor and treat everyone exposed to the toxins of Ground Zero." Click to read the full text of the press release by Maloney and Fossella.

Pataki sends state anti-terror money to NYC --
The Pataki administration announced Thursday it would give New York City millions of dollars in anti-terror money to help make up for a recent $83 million cut in federal anti-terror grants (NY Newsday)
Pol wants feds who 'cleared air' charged --
Public officials who "cleared the air" in lower Manhattan after 9/11 - assuring New Yorkers that the air was not toxic - should be hauled into court and prosecuted, a New Jersey congressman charged yesterday (NY Daily News)
Release of Souls and World Memorial Concert |
VOICES is very happy to pass on the following message from Mitch Mendler, 9/11 Fire Fighter/ Paramedic, and World Memorial Vice President:
Dear Family Members,
You are invited for a brief presentation by WORLD MEMORIAL detailing the delivery and display of the Release of Souls 9/11 memorial and a concert and ceremony for the fifth anniversary of 9/11 in New York City at The World Trade Center Site.
Including the exclusive unveiling of the - One Day Changed Our World - 3000 Names, Memorial Truck decal which was created in partnership with ArtAID and NASA and artists; the Semi Trailer will begin it's historic journey from San Diego to New York in time for September 11, 2006; WORLD MEMORIAL is once again holding two special meetings for Family Members in New York at September Space:
11 BROADWAY (Lower Manhattan),
Ph) 212-563-1432 OR 212-563-7570
First meeting:
Date: Thursday, July 20, 2006 Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Seating is limited so please e-mail or phone us if you intend to join us for this meeting.
Second meeting:
Date: Friday July 21, 2006
Time: 9:00am - 11:00am
Stay posted to the VOICES e-Newsletter for updates on the progress of:
New York World Trade Center 5th Anniversary 9/11 WORLD MEMORIAL
Release of Souls Symphony Concert of International Healing.
Free Concert for 9/11 Families and ALL Uniform Personnel. Click to read more about the concert.
Date: September 10, 2006
Time: 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Learn more by downloading the documents:
-- Family meeting July 2006 -- WORLD MEMORIAL ROS Background Article
Articles on Mumbai Train Attacks |
Authorities Name Suspects in Bombay Bombings --
Authorities named two suspects Thursday in the Bombay commuter train bombings that killed at least 200 people (Washington Post)
Indian Intelligence Takes Closer Look at Al Qaeda --
As police detained hundreds of people for questioning in connection with the bombings of commuter trains here on Tuesday, a man who said he belonged to a new Al Qaeda chapter in the disputed northern province of Kashmir telephoned a local news agency to congratulate thep perpetrators (New York Times)
Bush condemns Mumbai blasts --
President George W. Bush expressed outrage over the bomb blasts that killed over 183 persons in Mumbai on Tuesday and said the United States stood with India in the war on terror (The Tribune, Chandigarh, India)
Train Bombers Focused on Mumbai Business Class --
A bank worker did not make it home. A would-be software developer rested on a hospital gurney waiting for doctors to repair a broken arm. An engineer, fresh from meeting with a client, lay in a hospital morgue, recognizable by a ring on his finger (New York Times)
Some Cities in U.S. Step Up Security for Commuters --
The effects of the explosions in Mumbai were felt half a world away yesterday when law enforcement and transportation officials in major United States cities expanded surveillance of passengers and packages (New York Times)