It has been nearly two weeks since many of us were together to commemorate the five year milestone of 9/11. It was so wonderful seeing so many of you at our Forum and Commemorative Luncheon – and we will be asking for your input to plan for the 2007 anniversary events. Hopefully each of you had time for personal reflection about your loved ones as well as finding strength in the support of our growing 9/11 community.
VOICES recently forwarded information concerning news from the New York Medical Examiner’s office. The Medical Examiner wanted all of us to be aware of the fact that new breakthroughs have taken place and that there COULD be the possibility of positive identification of some of the currently unidentified remains. It is important that all families receive this information, so please notify any of your relatives that may not have access to a computer. As always, we appreciate the dedication of Dr. Charles Hirsch and the NYC Medical Examiners team, who have made a commitment to respectful identification of unidentified remains.
On another matter we will be sending out an electronic survey very shortly and would appreciate your participation. VOICES has established a baseline of data from prior surveys and will use your input to help shape the direction of our support to you, our members. Information is confidential and participants are anonymous.
As a reminder we formally launched the 9/11 Living Memorial Project, a collaboration with September’s Mission. Our goal is to create an online interactive tribute commemorating the lives and stories of September 11th with the goal of incorporating the project into the World Trade Center Memorial Museum. Expect to hear from Debbie Westfal, our family liaison, or one of our social workers concerning collection of information about your loved ones.
Finally, we wish all of our families celebrating Rosh Hashanah this week, a peaceful and happy holiday with your family and friends.
As always, feel free to contact our office if we can be of any assistance.
Warm Regards,
Mary Fetchet
Help Grow the 9/11 Living Memorial |
In the next few weeks, the VOICES e-Newsletter will be spotlighting the many different aspects of the 9/11 Living Memorial, an online interactive tribute commemorating the lives and stories of September 11th.
Tributes to 9/11 victims can be found across the web, but are joined together for the first time in a permanent, user friendly, integrated presentation with the debut of the 9/11 Living Memorial. The 9/11 Living Memorial, officially debuted at VOICES Commemorative Events, was launched in cooperation with our friends at September's Mission.
The Family Tributes section will permanently chronicle the lives of those who perished in individual pages with photos, family tributes, eulogies, and the New York Times’ Portrait of Grief. For more information, read a press release announcing the launch of the 9/11 Living Memorial. This week, we are featuring a recently updated page paying tribute to FDNY Battalion Chief Thomas P. DeAngelis. Like all the 343 from the FDNY, and all the heroes of September 11th, Tommy DeAngelis lives on in the memories of friends and family, and in his shining example of devotion, courage, and sacrifice.
Tommy's page was recently updated with pictures, his Portrait of Grief, a touching biography from his wife, Patty, and a heartfelt eulogy from his best friend, Donald Mancuso. Many thanks to them for sharing Tommy's story with the wider community. Click here to visit the 9/11 Living Memorial Tribute for Battalion Chief Thomas P. DeAngelis.
VOICES is preparing a formal registration packet that family members will recieve in the mail soon. In the meantime, please contact family liaison Debbie Westfal at (203) 966-3911 for instructions on how to build a 9/11 Living Memorial Tribute for your loved one.
Next Week: Memorial Sites around the Country and World dedicated to the heroes of 9/11.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
10:00 AM
Follow the footsteps of an American Hero Firefighter Stephen Siller, who, on September 11th 2001, ran through the Brooklyn/Battery Tunnel to the Twin Towers where he laid down his life for others. Learn more on the website about this unique tribute to one man's inspirational act of heroism.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Time: 1:00pm
Meet at the WORLD TRADE CENTER sphere (Located in Battery Park, lower Manhattan)
2:00pm: WALK begins to World Trade Center site
WE REMEMBER WALKS bring Pentagon, Flight #93, 11, 77, 175 and World Trade Center families, survivors & workers together to heal. JOIN US AS WE ♥Honor ♥Mourn♥ Support♥
Info: Call Sylvia Healy 718.598.7009 or Rev. Bill 917.826.7255
Monday, October 2, 2006
The fifth annual Michael J. Berkeley Memorial Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, October 2, 2006, at the prestigious Westchester Country Club in Harrison, New York. This tournament celebrates and honors Michael Berkeley's legacy and helps to raise funds for the Michael J. Berkeley Foundation and the Michael J. Berkeley Foundation Scholarship. Approximately 200 golfers/diners participated in the Golf Tournament last year. Thanks to the success of this fundraising event, the Foundation will be able to offer scholarships to qualified full-time undergraduate students of color for the 2006-2007 academic year. Learn more by visiting the website.
September Is National Preparedness Month |
Once again this year, VOICES has joined the coalition to promote the2005 National Preparedness Month campaign during September. A nationwide effort co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the American Red Cross, National Preparedness Month 2005 encourages Americans to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses and schools. Preparations are virtually the same for natural and man-made disasters, and modest actions taken now can help ensure safety and peace of mind for your families in case of an emergency.
There are a few simple steps you and your family can take to become better prepared: Get a Kit, Make a Plan, Be Informed and Get Involved. This September, during National Preparedness Month, VOICES has been posting preparedness “Tips of the Day” on our website’s Preparedness page (click here to visit). Remember, preparedness begins at home. Tips through Sunday have been posted along with a directory of Government and non-Government groups with more help to prepare your family, home, and community.
"Victim's Quilt" Added to WTC Museum |
The magnificent "Victim's Quilt" created with love by America's 9/11 Memorial Quilts, is the first art tribute and only memorial quilt that will find a permanent home at the 9/11 Memorial Museum at the WTC site. Those who attended the VOICES Commemorative Events know how much this quilt means to the families and the tremendous spiritual power carried in its cloth. Visitors to VOICES events take in the quilt in the photograph at left by Howard Coupland. Interwoven with the individual photos of as many 9/11 victims as they could find are depictions of the Twin Towers, Pentagon, and Flight 93, poems, representations of FDNY equipment, and other symbols of 9/11.
One of the most striking aspects of the quilt is its massive size--60 feet long by 10 feet wide--and its amazing level of handcrafted detail. It is a labor of great love and respect for those who died that day, and for those who love them. Many thanks to Jeannie Ammerman, Team Leader Connie Daniel, and all the wonderful quilters who devoted themselves to this project. We are sure it will be a centerpiece of the Memorial Museum exhibition, a continuing comfort to family members, and an inspiration to visitors for generations to come.
NYC Mediacal Examiner Reopens Identification |
The New York City Medical Examiner announcing the reopening of the identification process for remains recovered from the WTC site. Per their request, VOICES distributed the information to our mailing list, but we are making the information available in our e-Newsletter this week as well. Click to read a PDF version of the letter from NYC Medical Examiner Dr. Charles Hirsch.
We know that news regarding the identification of remains of our loved ones is very sensitive for all the 9/11 Families. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to contact the VOICES office. VOICES mental health professionals are available Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm at (203) 966-3911 or toll free at 1-866-505-3911.