May 11 , 2007
While Mother’s Day may be a difficult day for some of us, we hope these words provide some comfort. As we celebrate the day, your loved ones will be in our thoughts and prayers.
You taught me how to love you by
The way that you loved me;
And by your unseen sustenance,
To see what you could see.
You gave to me through who you were
The gift of what I am.
Your pride in me is now my pride;
Your faith, my caravan.
Your life does not conclude with death,
Nor will it end with mine,
For all the lives I touch, you touch,
And so on through all time.
All of us at VOICES wish you a happy Mother's Day and a wonderful weekend!
As always, please feel free to contact us if we can be of any assistance.
Warm Regards,
Mary Fetchet
Founding Director
Mother's Day by Dr. Robin F. Goodman
"Like a Rose
A mother's love is like a rose - always blooming,
forever caring, always giving, forever sharing."
Following a tragedy every aspect of life seems to take on new meaning and be experienced in a new light. People and activities may no longer be taken for granted, and holidays may have new significance or may be unwelcome reminders of happier times.
For those who have a personal experience with September 11th, traditional holidays such as Mother's Day, can bring up a variety of feelings in people. Some may dread the holiday, others may embrace it. And Mother's Day has different meaning for different individuals – parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, aunts and uncles.
Click to read full article
Join Us: 9/11 Living Memorial Workshop in Boston:

9/11 Living Memorial Workshop
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Two sessions: 2pm to 4pm AND 6pm to 8pm
Location: Massachusetts 9/11 Fund
75 Kneeland Street, 6th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts
Call or email Michelle Doherty toll free (866) 505-3911 to register.
VOICES Seeks Development Director
VOICES is currently seeking a development director to spearhead our fundraising and grant writing activities. If you or someone you know may be interested in the position, please read more in the Jobs section of our website.
9/11 Living Memorial Feature |
Boston College 9/11 Memorial Labyrinth
As a continuation of last week's feature, we are proud this week to feature a memorial dedicated to Stacey Sennas McGowan and the 21 other Boston College alumni lost on September 11th. Click to visit a memorial page to the victims from Boston College. The Boston College Memorial Labyrinth is a beautiful and contemplative memorial based on the Medieval labyrinth found in the famed Cathedral at Chartres, France. B.C.'s memorial website describes the symbolism:
"The symbolism of the Chartres labyrinth is complex. The circle, a perfect form, can be seen as symbolizing eternity, the universe, the repetition of the seasons, the cosmos—the overall perfect plan of the divine. The cross that bisects the circle can be seen as a symbol for Christ in the world. The meandering path is the journey of life. It can also be seen as a path of truth through the maze of choices that the world presents. The path through the labyrinth constitutes the longest possible way to arrive at the center. It is important not to hurry the experience, but to submit to its structure and discipline."
Memorials are meant to honor the lost and to provide spiritual comfort to those who carry on. The B.C. Labyrinth does both while keeping with the Catholic tradition of the University. VOICES staff hope to visit this wonderful memorial next week during our trip to Boston.
Click to view past 9/11 Living Memorial Features. If you would like to add a 9/11 Memorial in your hometown to the 9/11 Living Memorial website, please contact Debbie Westfal at (203) 966-3911 or toll free at (866) 505-3911. Or send her an email:
Summer Camp Spotlight: America's Camp
Beautiful weather in the northeast tells us that summer is on the way! In the next few weeks, VOICES e-Newsletter will be spotlighting a few of the wonderful camps that open their doors to 9/11 kids free of charge. Our first spotlight is America's camp, which will be welcoming 9/11 kids for the sixth year in summer 2007. Located in the beautiful Berkshires on the shores of Ashmere Lake, America's Camp a scenic and exciting place. America's Camp offers children a wide range of activities they can choose to participate in, including team and individual
sports, arts and crafts, and activities at both the pool and lake. Campers can also look forward to exciting trips to local attractions, great special events, and fun evening programs.

America's Camp is open to boys and girls, ages 7-15, who lost a parent or sibling in the 9/11 attacks or lost a parent or sibling at any time in the line of duty as a fire fighter or law enforcement officer, and is free for those who are eligible. To learn more about America's Camp, read an information sheet and visit their website. Or contact Andy Cole, Camp Director at 1-800-548-6295 or
Memorial Foundation Events Reminder:
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Todd Ouida Children’s Foundation Sixth Annual Birthday Event
Time: 7pm – 10pm
Location: Crash Mansion, 199 Bowery @ Spring, NYC
Please join us in celebrating Todd’s life and helping other children in his name. $50 ticket includes live music by the Nerds, open bar, lite hors d'oeuvres, special raffle. Visit for more information.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
The Michael C. Rothberg September 11 Memorial Scholarship Dinner and Silent Auction
Time: 7 PM
Location: Sapphire Manor, 164 Massapoag Avenue, Sharon, MA
More information: call 781-278-0291 or visit our website
All proceed to benefit the Michael C. Rothberg Scholarship Fund, which awards a merit-based scholarship and two book awards to deserving students at Sharon, MA High School.
Friday, May 18, 2007
6th Annual Brian C. Novotny 9/11 Memorial Golf Outing
Time: 8 am
Location: New York Country Club 103 Brick Church Rd. New Hempstead, NY 10977
More information: visit website
There will be two SHOTGUN starts, 8am and 1pm. We will try to accommodate everyone's preference. Please give yourself enough time to sign-in, get a cart and get out to your hole before start time. Reception includes buffet Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. OPEN BAR. Golf Outing Includes: 18 Holes of Golf (Scramble Format), Driving Range, Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Open Bar, Prizes, Awards and Silent Auction
Ground Zero Health Update |
Study: Lung Ailment Strikes 9/11 Responders at High Rate
Ground Zero rescue workers and firefighters contracted a serious lung-scarring disease called sarcoidosis at a much higher rate after the Sept. 11 attacks than before, according to a new study published this week. The study, published by nine doctors including the medical officer monitoring city firefighters, Dr. David Prezant, found that firefighters and rescue workers contracted sarcoidosis in the year after Sept. 11, 2001, at a rate more than five times higher than the years before the attacks. It is the first time the ailment has been linked to exposure to toxic dust at Ground Zero. Click here to read more.