July 20, 2007
Warm Regards,
Mary Fetchet
Founding Director
9/11 Living Memorial Feature |
The Salome, Arizona 9/11 Monument
Though they were thousands of miles away from New York and Washington, D.C., on September 11th, 2001, the residents of Salome, Arizona, shared the profound grief and devastation of the entire country on that day. Wanting to commemorate the lives lost on 9/11, this small desert community pooled together many of its resources to build a beautiful and inspiring monument along Highway 60. Members of the Chamber of Commerce, Fire Department, Lions’ Club, and townspeople from Salome and the surrounding areas raised money, contributed designs, and offered their time and energy to ensure that the lives of 9/11 would not be forgotten. After three years of hard work and planning, the Salome 9/11 Monument was dedicated on September 11, 2004.
The double-sided metal waving flag atop the monument is a symbol of hope and freedom, while the brass circle surrounding it represents the circle of life. The most touching feature of the monument is the art piece at its center, depicting three fire fighters raising the American flag over the debris at Ground Zero. The monument’s solid design is a symbol of American resolve and determination; this monument will stand the test of time, just as America stood strong in the face of attack. All those who pass by this symbol of strength and patriotism along Highway 60 will remember the lives lost and the courage displayed on 9/11.
For more information, visit the Salome 9/11 Monument Memorial page on the Voices website or the Salome 9/11 Monument website.
OCME Releases DNA ID Update
This week, the Office of the City Medical Examiner (OCME) released its first monthly update on the process of DNA identification for human remains recovered from the periphery of the WTC site. Two new identifications have recently been issued: Edward Ryan, age 42, was identified from remains recovered from the Haul Road following the discovery of human remains in a Con Edison manhole at the WTC site in October 2006. Raymond "Erick" Sanchez, 45, was positively identified from remains found in 2001-2002. If you have any questions please call 212-788-7418. Click here to read the OCME's update for June 1-June 29, including a full summary if the DNA testing results. Read more on this topic in VOICES Recovering Remains section.
Preparedness Updates:
7.24.07 "Fusion Centers" Miss the Mark in Counter-terrorism
According to the Congressional Research Service, the State-Federal intelligence "Fusion Centers" have strayed from their core counter-terrorist mission and failed in their primary objective to facilitate information sharing across the governement. The centers "have increasingly gravitated toward an all-crimes and even broader all-hazards approach," focusing on traditional criminals and local emergencies, according to the report, entitled . Also, The CRS report found "little true fusion, or analysis of disparate data sources, identification of intelligence gaps and pro-active collection of intelligence" at the 42 centers now set up in 37 states. In some cities, such as New York, the centers are working fairly well, with federal and local agents working side-by-side. But in many areas, investigators said, they are not. Read more in USA Today coverage. Click to read the CRS report.
7.24.07 Chertoff: Chlorine Loophole Could Pose Danger
Homeland Security officials are urging water treatment and chemical plants to voluntarily step up their efforts to secure chlorine gas, which Iraqi insurgents have used in improvised chemical weapons. Water treatment plants were specifically excluded from stringent chemical security legislation because lobbyists for the industry convinced lawmakers that the new requirements would be "redundant." In a recent speech, DHS Secretary Chertoff urged water authorities to pay for whatever fences, cameras, and guards are necessary to "make sure that these dangerous chemicals they have on site are not stolen, because, unfortunately, if you look over to Iraq, you're going to see these kinds of chemicals wind up in improvised explosive devices." Chertoff has no power to do anything more than urge vigilance on the part of water treatment plant operators. Chertoff added: "For those of you who are not subject to regulation, I don't want you to breathe a sigh of relief like 'We're off the hook," Chertoff said. "You're on the hook, because you're going to have to do this yourselves until the time comes along that regulatory authority to address these is given to us or to some other agency," as quoted in Boston Globe coverage.