November 2, 2007
Dear Families and Friends,
The VOICES team is looking forward to the 9/11 Living Memorial workshop scheduled this Wednesday in Brooklyn, New York. We have had a wonderful response thus far, but remind those who are interested in attending to contact our office. The workshops are open to 9/11 families, rescue workers and survivors. We’d like to thank in advance the members of Our Lady Help of Christians church for hosting the event.
As you know the wonderful memorials that were created in response to 9/11 are an important component to the 9/11 Living Memorial archive. Along with your help and the efforts of the US Forest Service we have documented over 500 memorials. This week we are featuring the Dauntless Efforts 911 Memorial in New Jersey which was dedicated to the heroic efforts of rescue and recovery workers. If you are aware of 9/11 memorials in your community, large or small, be sure to forward the information along with a photograph to
The conclusion of the Madrid bombing trial and the discussions during the recent political debates is a constant reminder of the threat of terrorism. The continued vigilance of our elected officials regarding issues of national security is critical to our ongoing safety and preparedness. This Tuesday is Election Day and affords each of us the opportunity to get out and vote! Our best wishes to you and your family.
Warm regards,
VOICES programs and events
Living Memorial Workshops in Brooklyn and Staten Island, NY
VOICES will hold two workshop sessions in Brooklyn, NY on November 7 to help families, survivors and first responders to create content for the 9/11 Living Memorial digital archive. The workshops will take place at Our Lady Help of Christians at 1315 East 28th Street, from 1:00-3:00pm and from 5:30-7:30pm. Reservations are required.
VOICES will hold two workshop sessions in Staten Island, NY on November 14, at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 397 Clarke Avenue. The workshops will take place from 1:00-3:00pm and from 5:30-7:30pm. Reservations are required.
About the Workshops/How to Register
The workshops will begin with a brief presentation on the 9/11 Living Memorial. Then Debbie Westfal, Family Liaison, will help you to begin creating a 9/11 Living Memorial tribute for your loved one. Please bring items you would like to include on your loved one's tribute pages, such as photos, memorial programs, and any other mementos you would like us to photograph or digitize. For a full list of items that we are including in the digital archive visit the list here. To view other family tribute pages visit
If you would like to attend one of these workshops, or you would like to have us run a workshop in your area, please contact Michelle Doherty at VOICES (866) 505-3911,
The 9/11 Living Memorial digital archive is dedicated to commemorating the lives and stories of September 11, 2001 and the February 26, 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
9/11 living memorial feature

Dauntless Efforts 911 Memorial (Jersey City)
This week's 9/11 Living Memorial Feature is the Dauntless Efforts 911 Memorial in Jersey City, New Jersey. The sculpture, which is dedicated to the efforts of rescue and recovery workers, was created by Matthew Johnson, and shows the silhouette of an ironworker amidst the rubble of the fallen World Trade Center. The rubble from the steel sculpture is from the actual wreckage of the World Trade Center ruins.
The sculpture is located outside of Harborside Plaza 5 in Jersey City. Artist Matthew Johnson, explained that he attempted to capture the fortitude and determination, as well as the weariness and sorrow in the gesture of the figure rising out of that mass of material. He feels that together, the figure and the material create a multi-dimensional narrative that all at once pays tribute to the workers and gives a physical connection to the event and to the viewers. "I was drawn to this project not only as an artist, but also as an ironworker", said the sculptor. He said that handling and working with the material was "both emotional and inspiring."
The sculpture was dedicated on September 11, 2002. The inclusion of rubble from the World Trade Center in the sculpture intensifies the relationship between the sculpture and the viewer. "These pieces are artifacts or relics," said the artist. "They are physical reminders of what happened."
Congressional Committee hears Testimony on Strategy for Security in a post 9/11 World
On October 10, the House Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs conducted the first in a series of hearings into long-term U.S. national security strategy six years after 9/11. Committee Chairman John F. Tierney opened the hearing by saying that there is an inescapable sense that U.S. security policy is adrift in a sea of rising extremism and gathering terrorist storm clouds, whether from al Qaeda's resurgence in Pakistan or from anti-American attitudes around the globe.
Witnesses giving testimony at the hearings included Jessica T. Mathews, President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Robert J. Lieber, Professor of Government and International Affairs at George Washington University. Visit the subcommittee's website to view the testimony in full.
Madrid Bombers Sentenced to 40,000 years
A Spanish court has convicted three men of murder for their part in the Madrid train bombings in March 2004. 21 out of 28 on trial were convicted and seven people were acquitted of various crimes related to the blasts on four trains that killed 191 and injured more than 1,800. Victims' families were angry about the acquittals and felt some of the sentences were too lenient. Read more coverage of the trial verdict and the reactions at our website.