VOICES Invites You
to our
September 10th Day of Remembrance
September 11th Commemorative Luncheon
at the
Marriott New York Downtown
Dear Families and Friends,
I am happy to announce the good news that, thanks to our friends at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum, we now have funding to host both our September 10th Forum and September 11th Commemorative Luncheon at the Marriott New York Downtown. VOICES is issuing this e-alert to provide you with information about our annual events as well as details about New York City’s commemoration ceremony at Zuccotti Park.
On September 10th we will host a Day of Remembrance at the Marriott which will include panel discussions, workshops and 9/11 exhibits, including updates on the 9/11 Living Memorial digital archive project and the National September 11 Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center. Our Commemorative Luncheon on September 11th will provide a restful and healing place for families, rescue workers and survivors to gather after the commemoration ceremony. Thanks to funding support, we have been able to keep the cost of attending the luncheon to $20 per person. We urge you to make your reservations early for both the Day of Remembrance and the Commemorative Luncheon. Please see the invitation below for reservation information.
There are a very limited number of rooms available at the Marriott New York Downtown for the nights of September 9, 10 and 11 at a reduced rate of $299 per room plus applicable taxes. All reservations must be made by August 19th and accompanied by a first night deposit or guaranteed with a major credit card. Contact the Marriott directly at (800) 228-9290 or (212) 385-4900.
Last week Governor Paterson and Mayor Bloomberg issued details on their plans for the New York City commemoration ceremony, which will again take place at Zuccotti Park, adjacent to the WTC site at Liberty Street between Broadway and Church Street/Trinity Place. Family members will be able to safely descend to the lower level of the site. For the reading of the names, family members will be paired with international students representing the 91 countries who lost individuals. If you are a family member who would like to read, or would like to suggest an appropriate participant for the reading of the names call 212-442-8953 by Friday, August 15th. Please click here to read Governor Paterson and Mayor Bloomberg’s letter.
We look forward to seeing you on the 10th and 11th.
Warm regards,
Mary and the Voices Staff
