April 04, 2008
Dear Families and Friends,
Warm Regards,
Mary and the Voices Staff
VOICES Programs and events
Voices 9/11 Living Memorial Workshops
It was a busy March for the Voices team as they traveled to locations in New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts to hold Living Memorial workshops, meeting with family members to begin the process of creating tribute pages to their loved ones, or to document their stories as survivors or rescue workers. We'd like to thank all who participated in the workshops and shared their precious memories and stories with us.

The 9/11 Living Memorial is dedicated to commemorating the lives and stories of September 11, 2001 and the February 26, 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
Voices 9/11 Living Memorial feature
San Ramon Memorial Park
Overlooking Mount Diablo and San Ramon Valley, the San Ramon Memorial Park is dedicated to the memory of all those who perished in 9/11, especially Tom Burnett, a former San Ramon citizen who perished on Flight 93.
Open to the public, the park features a BMX track, a dog park, a children's play area, a picnic area, bocce courts, horseshoes, and a baseball field. The cornerstone of the park is a large rock with a plaque on it that honors all those lost on 9/11, giving special recognition to Burnett. People may also purchase a tree dedication in a memorial grove.
The park is not a sacred place, but one does get a feeling of spirituality being there. Situated high on a hill with the wind always blowing, the inspiring vista in combination with the beauty of the park itself leaves one with a sense of awe, if not a feeling of spirituality.
On Sept. 11, 2007, the park held a memorial service in which more than 3,000 flags were placed in the Memorial Grove to honor all those who died on 9/11. At the memorial ceremony, The Oakland Tribune quoted San Ramon Mayor H. Abram Wilson as saying, "We must remember this day forever. Not just to remember those who died, but to help face challenges of the future."
California Representative Under Fire for Calling 9/111 "Simply" a Plane Crash
San Diego GOP Congressman Darrell Issa has provoked a storm of controversy by categorizing the events of 9/11 as "simply" a plane crash. Rep. Issa was speaking at a hearing convened by Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-NY, who is pushing for a re-opening of the 9-11 Victims Compensation Fund to aid responders who are ill as a result of the attacks. Rep. Issa questioned why New York City needed to come to the federal government for dollars when this was a state issue.But after a storm of controversy since Tuesday, Rep. Issa said that while he continued to have questions about the appropriate way to determine federal and local responsibility to victims, he wanted to make it clear that he strongly supported help for those who suffered physical injury as a result of an attack on America, including support from Congress and the federal government. Read coverage of the story here.
Capitol Police Search Misses Explosive Device
Federal officers who searched a suspicious vehicle near the U.S. Capitol in January failed to detect an explosive device hidden behind a seat, according to the Washington Post.The newspaper reports that a man who was initially detailed for carrying a loaded shotgun is now facing charges of planning to set off a bomb. His truck was seized and placed in a parking lot, where it lay undetected until a second search took place three weeks later. Read the full story in The Washington Post.