June 30, 2010
Dear Families and Friends,
Thanks to all who attended VOICES Third Annual Always Remember Benefit. It was a real honor to have Former Prime Minister Tony Blair as our keynote speaker, President Bill Clinton as our Honorary Chairman and an uplifting performance by Peter Yarrow. Their combined generosity of time and talent to support our efforts is very much appreciated.
We had a record number of 9/11 families in attendance, many traveling from long distances - London, Canada, California and Washington, DC. Mr. Blair took the time to meet privately with the 9/11 families and it was clear that the families were very grateful for his thoughtful gesture and compassionate words.
Mr. Blair’s keynote address and his personal reflections about 9/11 were inspiring! He discussed his ongoing efforts in Rwanda and the Middle East, in addition to the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, which he founded to promote dialogue and religious tolerance. Many commented that almost 9 years after 9/11, they were impressed by Mr. Blair’s personal commitment to addressing the thought provoking question of “why” by providing tangible solutions to overcome terrorism.
Mr. Blair’s remarks encouraged us to do the same, “I think the only way you live your life properly after this, if you’ve been involved in whatever way as someone in such a world changing event, is to recognize the world has indeed changed and that our duty is to respond to it and to change the world for good and not for ill. And that I think is what VOICES is about, it’s why I’m very honored to come here this evening, and I feel a deep sense of privilege to be with you.” We appreciate Mr. Blair’s support of our work and the 9/11 Living Memorial Project.
Planning the Gala provided me with the opportunity to reflect on VOICES’ international outreach. It seemed fitting that VOICES’ Always Remember Benefit allowed us an opportunity to present a Building Bridges Award to several individuals who made significant contributions to support those impacted by 9/11. This year we recognized three individuals – Alex Clarke, September 11th United Kingdom Families Support Group, John Duffy, Chairman and CEO of KBW, and Paul Tvetenstrand, formerly of Thacher, Proffitt & Wood. Despite their personal loss on 9/11, they exemplify the difference that our personal contributions can make in the lives of others. All of us at VOICES are indebted to each of them for their ongoing support which allows us to honor the lives lost and promote resiliency in the individuals and families whose lives we touch.
We want to thank all those who made the evening a success, beginning with our Co-Chairs Bonnie McEneaney and Debbie and Kevin McEneaney, the many committee members, auction donors, dedicated staff and volunteers! In addition, we thank Joe Daniels from the National September 11 Memorial & Museum for providing an update on the progress at the memorial museum and our collective effort to honor the lives lost.
In closing, I would like to encourage each of you to view the video of Mr. Blair’s keynote address posted on our website. His inspiring message reminds each of us that we can make a difference.
Warm regards,
Mary Fetchet & The VOICES Staff
9/11 Living Memorial
Workshop Appointments
New Canaan, CT
Wednesday, July 7th
New Brunswick, NJ
Wednesday, July 7th
New Brunswick, NJ
Thursday, July 8th
New Canaan, CT
Wednesday, July 14th
Manalapan, NJ
Thursday, July 22nd
Staten Island, NY
Thursday, July 22nd
Mullica Hill, NJ
Tuesday, July 27th
New Brunswick, NJ
Monday, August 2nd
For a full schedule of upcoming
workshop appointments Click Here.
VOICES Teleconference Schedule
Tuesday, July 6th:
Firefighter Mothers' Group
10:00am to 11:00am
Tuesday, July 6th:
Parents' Support Group
3:45pm to 5:00pm
Tuesday, July 6th:
Parenting Teleconference Group
9:00pm to 10:00pm
Wednesday, July 14th:
Siblings' Group
2:30pm to 3:30pm
Tuesday, July 20th:
Siblings' Group
2:30pm to 3:30pm
Tuesday, July 20th:
Parents' Support Group
3:45pm to 5:00pm
Tuesday, July 20th:
Rockland County In-Person Group
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Tuesday, July 27th:
Witness/Survivors' Support Group
4:00pm to 5:00pm
For a full schedule of upcoming teleconference groups Click Here.
For a complete list of events visit our website at www.voicesofsept11.org.
To add an event to our calendar contact newsletters@voicesofsept11.org.
VOICES 3rd Annual Always Remember Gala
VOICES hosted our third annual Always Remember Benefit in New York City on Monday, June 14, 2010. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was the keynote speaker, President Bill Clinton the Honorary Chairman, and Peter Yarrow performed.
View Mr. Blair’s inspirational address
View photos from the event
9/11 Living Memorial Video
During the month of May, VOICES conducted a series of interviews with family members, rescue workers, and survivors to demonstrate our work on the 9/11 Living Memorial Project. Our thanks to 9/11 family members Carol Ashley, the Henwood Family, Jackie Mardikian, Meryl Mayo-Marshall, Bonnie McEneaney, Faith Miller, Duane Orloske, Jill Pila; survivor Victor Guarnera; John Duffy, Jacqueline Day, Thomas Michaud and Andrew Senchak with KBW; Alice Greenwald with the National September 11 Memorial & Museum, and the VOICES staff for taking time out of their busy schedules to participate in the project. We invite you to view VOICES’ 9/11 Living Memorial video to learn more about the project. More.
Messages: Signs, Visits and Premonitions from Loved Ones Lost on 9/11
Bonnie McEneaney, a member of VOICES’ Board of Directors and Co-Chair of the 3rd annual Always Remember Benefit will be on 20/20 tonight, June 18. Bonnie will be discussing her recently released book, entitled Messages: Signs, Visits and Premonitions from Loved Ones Lost on 9/11. Her book contains inspiring true stories about the spiritual and paranormal experiences of those who lost loved ones on 9/11. Several other 9/11 family members featured in the book will also appear. A portion of the proceeds from book sales will be donated to Voices of September 11th to support VOICES’ efforts to create the 9/11 Living Memorial Project. More.
VOICES 2010 Summer Interns
This month VOICES welcomes our summer interns! After a brief orientation, they began working on a range of projects, most importantly preparing for our third annual Always Remember Benefit. With their assistance the event was a big success! Following the event, our interns are preparing for the September anniversary events and assisting our staff in a number of projects. Top - VOICES interns prepare for the Gala – Julianne Murray, Alyssa Ruggiero, Chris Fetchet, Beth O'Brien, and Heidi Wolfgruber. Bottom -
VOICES social work interns, Marian Pho and Sara Friedman join Jamie Hakim, Gina Reilly and Mary Fetchet at the Gala. More.
Edward T. Keane Memorial Quilt
Family members shared this beautiful keepsake with VOICES staff during their 9/11 Living Memorial appointment on June 24th at the Public Safety Training Academy, Parsippany, NJ. Barbara Keane (wife of Edward T. Keane), daughter Cynthia Keane Polo, M.D. and granddaughter Maggie Polo, proudly display this lovely, hand-sewn quilt honoring the life and loves of Edward. Comprised of various items of Ed’s clothing, such as shirts and ties, each of the quilt’s panels lovingly displays a different facet of Ed’s life. One panel depicts Ed’s sailboat, named Cheers, which holds so many memories of sunny days, fresh air, and tubing adventures. More.
Memorial Gazebo Dedication Ceremony
The members of the Rye September 11, 2001 Memorial, Inc. invite the Rye community to the dedication of the Memorial Gazebo on the Village Green, Sunday, June 6, at 4 p.m. This ceremony serves as a way of showing thanks to the generous community and the other dear friends and loved ones who have supported the group and cherish those lost on September 11. The memorial is dedicated to Thomas Crotty, Benjamin Fisher, Yugi Goya, W. Ward Haynes, Takashi Kinoshita, Gary E. Koecheler, Teddy Maloney, Francis N. McGuinn, Robert McLaughlin, Jr., Christopher D. Mello, George W. Morell, Sean Gordon O’Neill, Thomas A. Palazzo, Michael J. Simon and Allen V. Upton. More.
9/11 Community Events of Interest |
Morty Frank Memorial Golf Outing
Monday, July 12th 2010
Shotgun start 10:30am
Port Washington, NY
For More Information
Contact Phyllis
Ninth Annual
Mark Bavis Leadership Foundation Golf Tournament and Celebrity Event
Monday, July 19th 2010
Shotgun start 10:30am
Mashpee, MA
For tickets and information
Merilyn Sullivan
Ninth Annual
Stephen “The Coach” Hoffman
Monday, July 26th 2010
Muttontown Country Club
East Norwich, New York
Leading National Service and 9/11 Organizations Announce Joint Plans
Following the passage of federal legislation that formally established 9/11 as a National Day of Service and Remembrance, a consortium of influential private and government entities today unveiled plans to organize the largest day of service in U.S. history in 2011 in observance of the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks. More.
Judge approves settlement for 9/11 first responders
A U.S. district judge in New York approved a settlement Wednesday that could pay more than $700 million to thousands of 9/11 first responders exposed to toxic dust at ground zero. More.
OCME Update on Recovery of Potential Human Remains
On June 22, 2010 the New York Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) released information announcing the end of a three month process of searching for potential human remains in materials excavated from the WTC site. More.
Guilty Plea in Times Square Bomb Plot
The suspect in the failed Times Square bombing pleaded guilty on Monday, an abrupt and expedited end to a terrorism case that extended to Pakistan and an Islamic militant group there. More.
9/11 Memorial Dedication at Mountain Post
Saturday, a piece of the World Trade Center towers from New York was dedicated in Colorado Springs. The memorial is not only a way to honor those lives lost on September 11, 2001, but also a way to recognize those soldiers who have given their lives since that day. More.
England's Monarch Queen Elizabeth to Visit Ground Zero in July
Queen Elizabeth will tour Ground Zero next month to pay her respects to the nearly 3,000 innocents slain on 9/11, the British Consulate General said. More.
Visit VOICES In The News for articles and announcements of interest to the 9/11 community.