Dear Family and Friends,
As we approach the 10th Anniversary, Voices of September 11th is participating in a number of events focused on promoting resiliency and healing. Please join us for a special presentation on journaling at the Morgan Library, Gilder Lehrman Auditorium, on Friday, May 13th at 6:30pm. Attendees are invited to view the wonderful gallery exhibition following the presentation. Tickets are free, but reservations are necessary by calling 212.685.0008, ext. 560, or email
For the families, rescue and recovery workers, survivors, and other New Yorkers affected by the 9/11 attacks, the recent news and upcoming Tenth Anniversary are bound to stir deep emotions. This special evening, organized in conjunction with the exhibition The Diary: Three Centuries of Private Lives (which includes the journals of two police lieutenants who led 9/11 rescue and recovery efforts), explores the power of journal keeping and encourages participants to document their experience as this anniversary year unfolds.
Presenters include Mary Fetchet, Founding Director of Voices of September 11th and Mother of Brad Fetchet who perished in the attacks on the World Trade Center; Bill Keegan (Port Authority Police Special Operations, W.T.C. 9/11 Rescue/Recovery Operations Commander, and founder of H.E.A.R.T. 9/11), whose journal is on view in the exhibition; Maureen McNeil, Director of Education at the Anne Frank Center USA; and Christine Nelson, curator of the exhibition The Diary.
Lt. Bill Keegan served as a Rescue and Recovery Operations Commander for Port Authority Police Special Operations after 9/11. His journal, on display at the Morgan Library, is open to the entry for Christmas Eve, 2001, when he joined with Port Authority chaplains Father Dave Baratelli and Rabbi Ichi Heschel in a midnight service at Ground Zero.
Mary Fetchet, a clinical social worker and former educator, co-founded Voices of September 11th to provide information, support services and programs for 9/11 families, rescue workers and survivors. Ms. Fetchet will discuss her personal journey as a victims' advocate and founder of Voices of September 11th, told through a collection of photographs.
VOICES would like to take this opportunity to thank the Morgan Library for graciously hosting this event and Christine Nelson of the Morgan Library and Maureen McNeil of the Anne Frank Center USA for sharing their expertise about the power of journaling. We hope you will join us for a very special evening!
Click Here for more information on the program. Feel free to contact the VOICES office at 203-966-3911 with any questions.
Warm Regards

Mary Fetchet & The VOICES Staff