Dear Families and Friends,
As we gather together to remember the lives lost on 9/11, all of us at VOICES want you to know that you are in our thoughts. Whether you choose to spend this anniversary in your local community, in commemorations in New York City, Washington, D.C. or Shanksville, PA., whether you participate in observances in the United States or in one of the 90 countries who lost citizens on 9/11, we are with you. We gain strength from each other.
We are delighted to tell you that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano will be joining us for our Day of Remembrance events this weekend in New York City. Secretary Napolitano will be the keynote speaker for the Information Forum on Saturday and Secretary Clinton will speak at our luncheon on Sunday, following the commemoration service at the World Trade Center site. Other dignitaries will also be joining us to express their support of all those who lost love ones on 9/11, survivors and rescue workers.
Because space is limited at both events, reservations are required. If you would like to attend either event, please contact us at 203-966-3911.
Warm Regards

Mary Fetchet & The VOICES Staff

Families, Survivors,
Rescue and Recovery Workers
Always Remember
10th Annual Day of Remembrance
Saturday, September 10, 2011
8:00am to 6:00pm
Marriott Downtown
85 West Street
New York
Day of Remembrance is intended to honor those who perished
and to support the ongoing needs of the 9/11 community
Registration Begins
9:00am to 10:00am |
Roundtable discussion for Family Members
Grand Ballroom A, 3rd Floor
Join the VOICES staff who will facilitate an open discussion about areas of concern for 9/11 families
Roundtable Discussion for Survivors
Financial Ballroom I, 2nd Floor
Join the VOICES staff who will facilitate an open discussion about areas of concern for survivors
Roundtable Discussion for Rescue and Recovery Workers
Financial Ballroom I, 2nd Floor
Join the VOICES staff who will facilitate an open discussion about areas of concern for rescue and recovery workers
10:00am to 10:45am |
Music, Meditation and Spirituality - The Tools to Build Resiliency
Grand Ballroom B, C, 3rd Floor
Toby Williams, M.A, MT-BC, LCAT, Director of Music Therapy at the Brooklyn Conservatory of Music
The Rev. Dr. Serene Jones, Union Theologic Seminary
Dr. Jeffrey Harrison, Licensed Therapist
Health Issues for the 9/11 Community
Financial Ballroom II, III, 2nd Floor
Scottie Hill, LCSW, Mt. Sinai Medical Monitoring Program
Terry Miles, Director of the HHC WTC
Environmental Health Center
John Feal, FealGood Foundation
Paula Schnurr, PTSD Specialist
11:00am to 12:00pm
Telling the Story of 9/11 - The 9/11 Living Memorial and the 9/11 Memorial Museum
Grand Ballroom B, C, 3rd Floor
Alice Greenwald, Executive Vice-President for Programs,
Director of the 9/11 Memorial Museum
Mary Fetchet, Founding Director of
Voices of September 11th
Jan Ramirez, Chief Curator & Director of Collections, v
9/11 Memorial Museum
12:00pm to 1:00pm |
Finding Healing For Members of the Survivor and Rescue and Recovery Worker Communities
Financial Ballroom II, III, 2nd Floor
Gina Colelli, EMDR
Jose Mestre, Herb Specialist/Breathing Program
Jeanne Kenney, RN, BSN, HN-BC, Holistic Medicine |
1:00pm to 2:00pm |
Keynote Speaker and Building Bridges Awards
Grand Ballroom B, C, 3rd Floor
Secretary Janet Napolitano, Department of Homeland Security
2:00pm to 3:00pm |
What Can Survivors Learn From Each Other?
Grand Ballroom B, C, 3rd Floor
Mike Jaffe, 9/11 Survivor
Luna Fuss-Kaufman, Holocaust Survivor
Peter Miller, 9/11 Survivor
Gerry Bogacz, 9/11 Survivor
2:30pm to 3:00pm |
Break Out Sessions
Update From The Office of the Medical Examiner(Families only)
Grand Ballroom A, 3rd Floor
Mark Desire, Assistant Director and WTC Identification Manager
Oklahoma City Exchange
Capitol Room, 2nd Floor
Family members who lost loved ones in the Oklahoma City bombing will meet with 9/11 families, survivors, rescue and recovery workers.
3:00pm to 3:30pm |
Coffee Break, 3rd Floor
3:30pm to 4:30pm |
Promoting Resiliency
Grand Ballroom B, C, 3rd Floor
Ken Druck, The Jenna Druck Center
4:30pm to 5:00pm |
Closing Remarks and Musical Performance
Grand Ballroom B, C, 3rd Floor
9/11 Living Memorial Workshops - 8:00am - 5:00pm by Appointment
9/11 Living Memorial workshops will be held throughout the day. 9/11 family members, survivors and rescue and recovery workers are invited to bring photographs, newspaper articles and personal mementos to document their loved one's life as well as firsthand accounts of their personal experiences.
VOICES staff will be available by appointment to digitize mementos to include in the 9/11 Living Memorial digital archive. You may also drop off items that can be picked up later in the day or returned by mail after the event.
Chief Medical Examiner
The New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner will be available to make ID's from 10am to 3pm for family members of victims.
Paint by Numbers: Gone But Not Forgotten
For the 10th anniversary the painting, titled 'Gone But Not Forgotten', will be released. Those participating in the Day of Remembrance events will be invited to paint a section of the canvas and share their personal reflections.
The 9/11 Tribute Flag Project Creating Art for VOICES
Once again Dianne Brudnicki, an art teacher from Duvall, Washington and her students will display and distribute art work that they have created for the 9/11 families. They have created tribute flags personalized to tell the story of someone lost on 9/11 through the medium of print making.
The Healing Hearts
Toronto artist John Coburn will display reproductions of pen and ink drawings that he created when he came to New York City in the aftermath of 9/11. The prints were included in a book titled "The Healing Hearts" which was published and distributed to the families.
"Remember September" Mail Artwork
Launched in 2001, participants are asked to decorate an envelope as a personal reflection and to post mark the envelope on 9/11. School children and adults from around the world have participated in the project over the past 10 years.
Remembering: Portraits of 9/11
Michael DeMinico's exhibit of 8" by 12" portraits of oils on canvas entitled portraits "Remembering: Portraits of 9/11" will be displayed. In the nine-plus years since DeMinico decided to pursue his idea, he has completed more than 1,100 portraits of those who lost their lives. A selection of these portraits will be on display.
Children's Movement for Creative Education
These art and writings reflect the memories and experiences from those first days following 9/11. The reflections were not only healing for the students but also became an exhibit titled "The New Normal?" The exhibit opened at the Empire State Building in December, 2001 and then toured internationally.
Meet the Authors: Saturday and Sunday
"I Am You, You Are Me": Kathleen Harwood, will be signing her beautiful book that she has donated to the families.
"The Survivor Tree": Cheryl Aubin will be selling and signing her book.
A beautiful 3 year old Golden Retriever /Irish Setter Delta Certified Therapy Dog will be there to comfort and play with the children. MECA will be accompanied by her mother Michelle Dore. |