January 27, 2012
Dear Families and Friends,
In just a week's time we have had two individuals important to the 9/11 community pass away. I am writing today to share the very sad news that Bill Doyle's wife, Camille Doyle died on Wednesday. Camille was the mother of Joseph Doyle, who was lost on 9/11. Her husband, Bill, has dedicated his life to keeping members of the 9/11 community informed about issues that are important to them. She is also survived by her son, Billy, and daughter, Doreen, as well as her five loving granddaughters. As Bill said, "Camille will be remembered as a loving wife, mother, and grandmother and a major contributor to the Scleroderma Foundation."
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Camille's honor to the Scleroderma Foundation at 300 Rosewood Dr, Suite 105, Danvers, MA 01923. If you'd like, cards can be sent to Voices of September 11th, 161 Cherry Street, New Canaan, CT 06840. Please note Bill Doyle's name on the outside of the envelope and we will forward them to Bill and his family.
Last weekend, Frank and I attended the funeral of Richie Sheirer. As many of you know, Richie was the Director of Emergency Management in New York City on 9/11 and worked tirelessly alongside Mayor Giuliani in the aftermath of September 11th. Many of us came to know Richie during our frequent meetings with the Mayor. More recently, we had the pleasure of working with Richie when he coordinated Mayor Giuliani's schedule to speak at our "Always Remember" Gala in New York City last June. Frank and I received a note from Richie on Christmas Eve, "Keep up the good work for all of us. God bless and Merry Christmas!" When I think of Richie, words like dedicated, compassionate, thoughtful and light-hearted come to mind. Richie is survived by his wife Barbara and his five sons, Matthew, Joseph, Christopher, Andrew and Paul.
Donations can be made to: Boys and Girls Club of North East Region, 5 Hanover Square, 3rd floor, NY. NY 10004 or Steven Siller Tunnel to Tower Foundation, 2361 Hylan Boulevard, Staten Island New York, 10306 or http://tunneltotowersrun.org. It should be noted that donations are being made in honor of Richard Shierer.
All of us at VOICES will keep the memory of Camille and Richie in our hearts and our thoughts and prayers will be with their families and friends at this sorrowful time.
Warm Regards

Mary Fetchet & The VOICES Staff