February 10, 2012
Dear Families and Friends,
Saturday, February 12th marks the third anniversary of the death of our friend Beverly Eckert, who died in an airplane crash in Buffalo, New York. As many of you know, Beverly lost her husband Sean Rooney on 9/11 and co-founded VOICES. She was also a staunch advocate on a variety of 9/11 issues, especially government reforms to make the country safer.
"Beverly lost her husband on 9/11 and became a tireless advocate for those families whose lives were forever changed on that September day," President Obama said. "And in keeping with that passionate commitment, she was on her way to Buffalo to mark what would have been her husband's birthday and launch a scholarship in his memory. So she was an inspiration to me and to so many others, and I pray that her family finds peace and comfort in the hard days ahead."
Beverly was survived by her brother, Raymond Eckert and three sisters, Margaret Eckert, Susan Bourque and Karen Eckert, who since Beverly's death have been strong advocates for airline safety reforms. They also worked together to create a beautiful tribute to Beverly and Sean which will be included in our 10th Anniversary Commemorative Book, which will be published next month. Their tribute reads: "In Loving Memory of Sean and Beverly. To him, she was his lovely bride; to her, he was her inspiration." In honor of Sean's birthday which was February 15th, we would also like to share his Living Memorial tribute that was created by Sean and Beverly's families. Please click here.
In this week's newsletter, we are also highlighting two foundations - the Michael Lynch Foundation College Scholarships which is offering a scholarship opportunity and information about the Betty Ann Ong Chinese Recreation Center which is being renamed in memory of Betty. Many families created scholarships and foundations in memory of their loved ones. If you would like to share information with us about your foundation or upcoming fundraisers, please contact Debbie Westfal at dwestfal@voicesofsept11.org.
We are planning several events for the Spring and look forward to sharing information about them with you soon. In the meantime, our staff has scheduled several Living Memorial workshops. Let us know if you would like to schedule a workshop in your community. For an updated schedule click here.
Warm Regards

Mary Fetchet & the VOICES Staff
9/11 Living Memorial
Workshop Appointments
New Canaan, CT
Monday - Friday
New Brunswick, NJ
Monday - Friday
New York, NY
Tuesday, February 21st
Staten Island, NY
Thursday, February 23rd
Brooklyn, NY
Tuesday, March 6th
Elizabeth, NJ
Wednesday, March 14th
New York, NY
Tuesday, March 27th
Jersey City, NJ
Tuesday, March 29th
For a full schedule of upcoming
workshop appointments Click Here.
VOICES Teleconference Schedule
Wednesday, February 15th:
Siblings' Group
2:30pm to 3:30pm
Tuesday, February 21st:
Rockland In-Person Group
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Tuesday, February 28th:
Witness/Survivors' Group
4:00pm to 5:00pm
Tuesday, March 6th:
Firefighter Mothers' Group
10:00am to 11:00am
Tuesday, March 6th:
Parents' Support Group
3:45pm to 5:00pm
Tuesday, March 6th:
Parenting Teleconference Group
9:00pm to 10:00pm
For a full schedule of upcoming teleconference groups Click Here.
For a complete list of events visit our website at www.voicesofsept11.org.
To add an event to our calendar contact newsletters@voicesofsept11.org.
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Michael Lynch Memorial Foundation College Scholarships
Lou Ann Eckert-Lynch, the Scholarship Commitment Chair for the Michael Lynch Memorial Foundation, asked that we update you on their scholarship program. The Foundation awards college scholarships to the children of New York City Firefighters, victims of September 11, 2001 and victims of other disasters and fires. The deadline for the scholarship application is March 1. For more information, click here. |
Betty Ann Ong Chinese Recreation Center
Cathy Ong-Herrera asked that we share with you the exciting news that the San Francisco Recreation & Park Department Commission has voted unanimously to name their newly renovated recreation center the "Betty Ann Ong Chinese Recreation Center." Betty Ann was the flight attendant who first reported the hijacking of American Airlines Flight 11. The renaming of the center honors the memory of Betty Ann Ong and all who sacrificed their lives on September 11th. For information about the center and how you can support the the non-profit Betty Ann Ong Foundation, click here. |
Living Memorial Workshops Scheduled
We are planning our Spring schedule for Living Memorial workshops in the New York metropolitan area, Boston and Washington, D.C. To see where they are presently scheduled click here. Of course, you can always send us your photos via email or regular mail. For more information on the Living Memorial project appointments, you can call Michelle in our New Canaan office at 203-966-3911 or Sheri in our New Brunswick office at 732-543-2300. |
Lawyers for 9/11 suspects seeking further trial delay
[JURIST] Lawyers for two Guantanamo prisoners accused of planning the 9/11 attacks [JURIST backgrounders] asked the Pentagon Thursday to extend the filing deadline for pre-trial motions. There are currently two prisoners requesting extension, and they both cite the recent mail review controversy as to why they have been unable to meet the current deadline. More.
Study exposes risk of 9/11 toxic dust
The American Journal of Industrial Medicine recently published a study showing responders to the 9/11 World Trade Center disaster suffer from asthma at more than twice the rate of the general U.S. population as a result of their exposure to the toxic dust from the towers' collapse. Preliminary study results were presented in the journal CHEST in 2009. More.
Ground Zero responders' 9/11 settlement payouts slashed
Ailing Ground Zero responders are finally getting their last checks from a settlement with the city, but many are crestfallen that the payments are less than touted when they took the deal. "We didn't get what they told us we were going to get," one put it. One main reason for the lower-than-expected payouts -- the dollar value of each point awarded workers for the type and severity of their illnesses was just recently set at $7.36, a figure based on the money to be divvied up. More.
Pentagon won't slow 9/11 death penalty filings
A senior Pentagon official on Friday refused to delay a pre-arraignment phase in the prosecution of five Guantanamo captives accused of conspiring in the Sept. 11 attacks. Defense lawyers had asked to delay at least until this summer the process of filing memorandum on why the 9/11 trial should not go forward as a capital case. More.
Visit VOICES In The News for articles and announcements of interest to the 9/11 community. |
©2009 Voices of September 11th. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
Voices of September 11th is a 501c3 nonpartisan organization that provides information and a wide range of support services to promote resiliency and address the long-term needs of all those affected by September 11th; commemorates the lives and stories of September 11, 2001; and advocates for public policy reform to promote national preparedness.