August 16, 2012
Dear Families and Friends,
As the 11th anniversary approaches, we are writing to update you on the details of our annual Day of Remembrance programs and inform you about several other upcoming events.
With the anniversary just a month away, we are finalizing details for the Information Forum which will be held on Monday, September 10th at the Marriott Downtown hotel. We are working with our participants to plan informative presentations, and displays which will includes a preview of the 9/11 Memorial Museum exhibit. Our staff will be available for Living Memorial appointments. Registration begins at 10:00am and the 9/11 Memorial Museum exhibit will remain open until 6:00pm.
The Interfaith Service at St. Peter's church begins at 5:30pm and light refreshments will be served. Galen Tate, our musical director for several of our past events, is planning another inspirational and comforting service reminiscent of the one we hosted at St. Peter's in the Spring. One of the attendees wrote us: "thank all of you for putting together that lovely service on Saturday. Everything was just wonderful - the music, the readings, the Church itself...."
Thanks to the generosity of World Yacht Enterprises VOICES is offering a September 11th Commemorative Luncheon for family members following the reading of the names at the 9/11 Memorial. For those of you who have not been on one of their cruises, you will be in for a very special treat. The cruise ship will travel around New York Harbor and circle the Statue of Liberty. The dining decks are completely enclosed and are climate controlled for maximum comfort. The cost of the luncheon cruise is $25 per person. Boarding begins at 12pm at the World Financial Center pier, and the boat will depart at approximately 12:30pm. Reservations are limited.
To make your reservations for any of these programs, please contact Debbie Westfal at 203-966-3911 or
For more information on VOICES' 11th Anniversary commemorative events, click here.
Warm Regards

Mary Fetchet & the VOICES Staff
9/11 Living Memorial
Workshop Appointments
New Canaan, CT
Monday - Friday
New Brunswick, NJ
Monday - Friday
For a full schedule of upcoming
workshop appointments Click Here.
VOICES Teleconference Schedule
Tuesday, August 21st:
Rockland In-Person Group
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Tuesday, August 28th:
Witness/Survivors' Support Group
4:00pm to 5:00pm
Tuesday, September 4th:
Firefighter Mothers' Group
10:00am to 11:00am
Tuesday, September 4th:
Parents' Support Group
3:45pm to 5:00pm
Wednesday, September 5th:
Parenting Teleconference Group
9:00pm to 10:00pm
Wednesday, September 19th:
Siblings' Group
2:30pm to 3:30pm
For a full schedule of upcoming teleconference groups Click Here.
For a complete list of events visit our website at
To add an event to our calendar contact
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Saturday, September 29th - 11:00am to 12:00pm Yoga for Everyone: Refresh, Recharge and Reconnect
Join in this offering of yoga to stretch and strengthen your body, as you release tension and stress. Clear the mind, lift your spirits and bring yourself back to a place of radiant wellness! Great for everybody, including those with no prior yoga experience.
Brian Yuen and Lorrie Shepard are co-founders of Interactive-Yoga with the intention of bringing yogis together to experience sangha: supported, fun + inspiring. Offering public and private classes, workshops, and events for AcroYoga, guided meditation gentle/restorative, guided meditation, partner yoga, and vinyasa breath centered flow. In addition to teaching yoga classes in NJ and NY, Lorrie and Brian have led various workshops and events in MA, PA and CT, including weekend yoga retreats and trainings. Brian and Lorrie conduct a wide range of classes & workshops including yoga for children with autism, US veterans, seniors, seniors with Alzheimer's, partner yoga, and thai yoga. |
Military Commission Hearings Schedule
The military commission hearings in the month of August have been moved to August 22 - August 24 and August 26 - August 28. There will be no hearing on August 25. The September hearing dates have been cancelled. For the latest information about the hearings, click here.
Monmouth County 9/11 Memorial Ceremony
On Tuesday, September 11, at 7:00pm, the Monmouth County Park System will host a Memorial Ceremony at Mount Mitchill Scenic Overlook, Atlantic Highlands, the site of Monmouth County's 9/11 Memorial. Speakers are Freeholders John Curley and Lillian Burry. For more information, click here.
Connecticut First Responders Mass
A Diocesan Blue Mass, commemorating the 11th Anniversary of September 11th will be held on Sunday, September 9, 2012 at 11:30am at Saint Aloysius R.C. Church, 40 Maple Street, in New Canaan. The mass honors law enforcement, fire and emergency personnel who serve in the diocese of Bridgeport. A reception immediately follows the mass. For more information, click here.
Connecticut 9/11 Memorial Anniversary Service on September 10th
A memorial service will be held for Connecticut's victims of September 11, 2001, at Sherwood Island State Park in Westport on Monday, September 10th beginning at 5:00 PM. The service will include a reading of the names, performances by the Coast Guard Glee Club and remarks by Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman. To view the invitation, click here.
9/11 Museum Asks for Dismissal of Suit Over Cross
The National September 11 Memorial and Museum filed court papers this week seeking to dismiss a federal lawsuit brought by a group of atheists who oppose the museum's decision to display the giant cross-shaped steel beam that became a site of daily prayer during the cleanup of ground zero. More.
Volunteering promoted to commemorate 9/11
Once again, Westchester County and The Volunteer Center of United Way are calling on those who live and work in Westchester to use volunteer service as a way to pay tribute to those whose lives were lost and were forever changed by the events of Sept. 11, 2001. More.
9/11 victim Ron Clifford prepares for Guantanamo trial
"If I hear loud noises, I hit the deck," he said. Clifford stressed the importance of his religious faith in his ability to "deal with" the aftermath of the tragedy, and remained stoic throughout his interview with the Irish Voice. "Once you have faith, you can get through anything," he said. More.
9/11 Day Campaign Kicks Off August 16 to Again Inspire Millions
Military Veterans, First Responders and 9/11 Family Members Will Join with General Public to Unveil 30-Foot-Long "I Will" Sculpture and Make Personal Pledges to Perform Good Deeds and Service This 9/11 International Social Media and Public Service Campaign Launched. More.
Cops nix WTC trash cans
The NYPD won't allow garbage cans near the 9/11 memorial because it fears terrorists could drop bombs in them - a decision that is rankling downtown residents who want more bins to hold tourists' trash. More.
Visit VOICES In The News for articles and announcements of interest to the 9/11 community.
©2009 Voices of September 11th. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
Voices of September 11th is a 501c3 nonpartisan organization that provides information and a wide range of support services to promote resiliency and address the long-term needs of all those affected by September 11th; commemorates the lives and stories of September 11, 2001; and advocates for public policy reform to promote national preparedness.