CONTACT:Susan Dahill
Communications Director
Voices of September 11th
sdahill@voicesofsept11.orgwww.voicesofseptember11.orgAugust 26, 2013

New Canaan, CT. - Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the keynote speaker at the Voices of September 11th "Always Remember" Gala on October 16, 2013 at Guastavino's in New York City. Secretary Clinton has been a longstanding supporter of Voices of September 11th, beginning with the first meetings in her Senate office just days after the attacks. As a New York Senator, she attended the VOICES Annual Day of Remembrance events, taking time each year to visit with 9/11 families following the memorial services at the World Trade Center site. On the 10th Anniversary, Secretary Clinton addressed the families at the VOICES Commemorative luncheon, saying "I am convinced that many of the actions, the reforms, the changes we have taken in our country in the last ten years are due in large measure to the Voices of September 11th families. Many of you turned your grief into commitment on behalf of those you lost and on behalf of the nation that mourned for you."
Secretary Clinton served as the 67th Secretary of State of the United States from January 21, 2009 until February 1, 2013, after nearly four decades in public service as an advocate, attorney, First Lady, and Senator. In 2000, Clinton made history as the 1st First Lady elected to the United States Senate. After September 11, 2001, she helped secure more than $20 billion for the rebuilding of New York City and fought for the health needs of first responders who risked their lives at Ground Zero.
In her four years as Secretary of State, Clinton played a central role in restoring America's standing in the world and strengthening its global leadership. As America's chief diplomat and the President's principal foreign policy adviser, Clinton spearheaded progress on many of our greatest national security challenges.
Today, Clinton continues to build on the nonprofit work she began nearly four decades ago through the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, which works to improve global health, strengthen economies, promote health and wellness, and protect the environment by fostering partnerships among businesses, governments, nongovernmental organizations, and private citizens.
VOICES Cofounder Mary Fetchet expressed her appreciation to Secretary Clinton for her support. "It is especially meaningful to have our long-time friend Secretary Clinton as keynote speaker at this years' VOICES Gala. Over the past 12 years, she has played an instrumental role in helping our families, New Yorkers and our country heal after the tragic events of 9/11. We are grateful for her unwavering support and guidance, and inspired by her strength and leadership."
VOICES Board members and Gala Chairs Bonnie & Debby McEneaney have planned a special evening that will raise important funds that support Voices of September 11th's ongoing work to provide long-term services for 9/11 families, survivors and responders. Mary Fahl, accomplished singer/songwriter will perform at the event. Her performance will include "Dawning of the Day," a song from her new album "Love and Gravity" that commemorates the 9/11 tragedy. Mary first achieved fame as lead singer and co-founder of the October Project. The event will also support VOICES efforts to help families heal after other tragedies, by assisting communities and organizations establish a framework for public/private partnerships that will promote resiliency in the lives of those impacted.
For more information, or to register for the VOICES Gala, visit the Voices of September 11th website at or contact Frank Fetchet at 203-966-3911.
Voices of September 11th (VOICES) 6th Annual "Always Remember Gala" to benefit VOICES 9/11 Living Memorial Project, services for the 9/11 families, responders and survivors, and to assist families and communities impacted by other tragedies.
WHO: Keynote Speaker, Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
WHEN: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 6:00 PM
WHERE: Guastavino's, 409 East 59th Street, New York City
Visit for more information.
Press welcome to attend, but registration is required in advance.
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About Voices of September 11th
Voices of September 11th (VOICES) is nationally recognized for its innovative approach to providing a wide range of support services that promote resiliency for thousands of 9/11 families, first responders and survivors. In 2006, VOICES launched the 9/11 Living Memorial Project to chronicle the nearly 3,000 lives lost and document the stories of survivors. The Living Memorial, an extensive digital collection of over 70,000 photographs and personal keepsakes, will be a core component of the exhibits at the 9/11 Museum in New York City. A strong advocate for national preparedness, Voices of September 11th promotes reforms to make the country safer.
Recent acts of mass violence and natural disasters have underscored the need for communities to be better prepared. In the Spring of 2014, Voices of September 11th is launching a Resource Kit and a comprehensive program to assist communities in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from incidents of mass violence or natural disasters. The recommendations are based on scholarly research and lessons learned from interviews conducted with those who responded to the attacks on September 11th, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the shootings at Virginia Tech, Northern Illinois University and Tucson, Arizona.
Looking ahead, VOICES is committed to helping families and communities heal after tragedies. By assisting organizations in establishing a framework for public/private partnerships, VOICES will share lessons learned to promote resiliency in the lives of those impacted by other acts of mass violence or natural disasters.