On Wednesday, September 10th VOICES is hosting our 13th Annual Day of Remembrance Information Forum. The theme of this year's conference is "Promoting Resilience, Healing Families and Communities." The day-long conference will be held in New York City at the Downtown Marriott Hotel, located at 85 West Street on the corner of Albany Street, just adjacent to the 9/11 Memorial. Registration begins at 8am, the program is from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Registered participants will be invited to visit the 9/11 Museum following the forum.
This year's program features leading professionals with expertise in providing services to the responders who worked tirelessly in the recovery effort, and the survivors who lived, worked or went to school in the area. We have included a list of panels that may be of interest to responders and survivors. Visit our website for a full schedule of events.
The World Trade Center Health Program
Laurie Breyer - Director, NIOSH World Trade Center Health Program
Michael Crane, M.D. - Director of the WTC Health Program at Mount Sinai
Jacqueline Moline, M.D. - Director of the Queens WTC Clinical Center, North Shore LIJ Health System
Joan Reibman, M.D. - Medical Director of the Survivor Program | Bellevue Hospital
Victims Compensation Fund and Ongoing Legal Considerations of the Zadroga Law
Michael Barasch, JD - Barasch, McGarry, Salzman & Penson
Frances Gottfried - Director, New York Office, U.S. Department of Justice, September 11th Victim Compensation Fund
Noah H. Kushlesky, JD - Kreindler & Kreindler
Advocacy - Re-Authorization of the Zadroga Law
Ben Chevat - Executive Director of Citizens for Extension of the James Zadroga Act, Inc.
John Feal - Advocate, President and Founder FealGood Foundation
Jim Melius, M.D. - NYS Laborers Health and Safety Fund
George D. Martin
Author: Just Around the Bend - My Journey for 9/11, published September 2014, Retired Co-captain of the NY Giants Football Team and Super Bowl XXI Champion. Former president of the NFL Players Association and the NFL Alumni Association
Following his presentation George will be available to sign books and take photos.
Update from the 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Mary Fetchet, LCSW - Founding Director, Voices of September 11th, VOICES 9/11 Living Memorial
Alice M. Greenwald - Executive Vice President for Programs, Director of National September 11 Memorial & Museum
Jan Ramirez, Ph.D. - Chief Curator and Vice President of Collections for the National September 11 Memorial & Museum
Breath-Body-Mind Workshop
Richard Brown, M.D. - Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University, Chairman of the Board, Serving those Who Serve.
Pat Gerbarg, M.D. - Assistant Clinical Professor in Psychiatry at New York Medical College, Serving Those Who Serve Medical Advisor
*** As a reminder, the deadline for registering for the New York State Worker's Compensation Board Fund is
September 11, 2014. Employees or volunteers who participated in the rescue, recovery and clean-up of the World Trade Center through September 12, 2002, whether they were injured or not should register. This includes duty at The World Trade Center site, Fresh Kills Landfill, on the barges, the piers and the morgues. Registering preserves your right to future benefits, should you ever need them.
WTC-12 forms are available online at
www.wcb.ny.gov/WTC12. If you have not filed, representatives from the New York State Workers Compensation Board and a notary public will be onsite at VOICES Information Forum throughout the day to assist you in completing the application in advance of the deadline.
Please contact our office at 203-966-3911 if we can be of assistance. For more information and to register online visit our website at