Dear Families and Friends,
As the end of the year approaches, all of us at VOICES reaffirm our longstanding commitment to promoting resiliency in the lives of those impacted by traumatic events. For over 13 years, we have worked with 9/11 families, responders and survivors, who have given us great insight into their evolving long-term needs. And, through our 9/11 Living Memorial Project, a digital collection of over 70,000 photographs commemorating the nearly 3,000 lives lost, future generations will Always Remember their lives in a meaningful way. New York Times columnist David Brooks wrote of "The Art of Presence," and the important role each of us can play in building resiliency among those impacted by tragedy. Brooks writes, "Builders are there for years and years walking alongside as the victims live out in the world." VOICES is proud to be a builder. Through our work, VOICES is in a unique position to help families heal after other traumatic events. The VOICES Center of Excellence for Community Resilience shares our lessons learned and works with public and private partnerships to assist other communities. VOICES remains committed to these initiatives, and together we can make a difference. We wish you all the best during this holiday season and look forward to working with you in the New Year!