VOICES Center of Excellence for Community Resilience New Jersey Symposium REGISTER NOW Panel Spotlight:
"Identifying Challenges and Promoting Resiliency in Children, Families, and Responders"
What are the long-term implications for families who have experienced trauma? How do stories about tragedy and remembrances of those who have been lost get weaved into the narrative of a child's family legacy? What are the mind-body connections that help one understand the intimate relationship of the mind and body, and how do we tap into these tools to optimize our health?
These are among the topics our panel will be covering during their discussion. Our presenters will outline the social, emotional, and physical factors that promote resilience, drawing on the research and their professional experience.
We are excited about the agenda for the April 3 Symposium and will be highlighting our other presenters over the coming weeks.
About the panelists:
Mickie Brown, RN, HN-BC Craig Haen, Ph.D., RDT, CGP, LCAT, FAGPA Maureen Underwood, MSW, LCSW, CGP
Mickie Brown was in New York City on 9/11 working in a research program at Mount Sinai. She joined the World Trade Responder program in 2006 and administered an extensive health history questionnaire for several years before becoming deputy nurse manager. "It was during that period that I began to notice the sense of powerlessness patients were describing over their potential health outcomes," said Ms. Brown. "I am passionate about providing validated resources to patients to participate in their health."
Craig Haen provided group services to children and adolescents who lost parents and whose parents were injured on 9/11, as well as to service providers. "I served as an organizational consultant to two corporations impacted by the terrorist attacks and provided on-site mental health services at Ground Zero and Battery Park on the first and second anniversaries, as well as at September Space," explained Dr. Haen. "I have also provided individual and group therapy for young people and adults whose lives were affected by 9/11. I've presented on this work at national conferences and have published articles and book chapters drawing from this experience."
Maureen Underwood was a member of a NJ community that was severely impacted by 9/11, who became involved with a local group of mental health practitioners with previous experience in trauma management. This group developed psychoeducational support groups for children and families that began in 2002 and continue today. "The model we created has also been adapted to hurricane and tornado recovery as well as for grief support groups for middle and high schools," said Ms. Underwood. "I also worked in conjunction with the American Group Psychotherapy Association on providing workshops for the FDNY for several years after 9/11 and continue to provide training nationally based on my experiences." Ms. Underwood also provided individual and family therapy to those impacted by 9/11.
9/11 families, survivors and responders attend at no charge.
The Symposium is also intended to inform clinicians, emergency managers, law enforcement and other community stakeholders providing services to victims' families, responders and survivors. Symposium Fee for Professionals: $75 | 5 CEU Credits: $25 Exhibitor Table Fee: $100 Connect with VOICES:
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Voices of September 11th (VOICES) is a 501c3 nonpartisan organization that provides information and a wide range of support services to promote resiliency and address the long-term needs of all those affected by September 11th; commemorates the lives and stories of September 11, 2001; and advocates for public policy reform to promote national preparedness. VOICES is committed to helping communities prepare for, respond to and recover from traumatic events, by sharing lessons learned that will promote resiliency and healing in the lives of those impacted by other tragedies.