Healing Families & Communities After Tragedy
VOICES Center of Excellence for Community Resilience
Symposium Agenda
Promoting Resiliency in Communities Impacted by Trauma:
Identification and Treatment of Long-Term Needs
Friday, April 3, 2015
Registration 8:30am
9:00am - 3:00pm
Rutgers University
Livingston Campus Student Center
84 Joyce Kilmer Avenue | Piscataway, NJ
The venue is conveniently accessible by car and is in close proximity to the
New Brunswick train station. Click here for directions.
9/11 families, survivors and responders and their families
attend at no charge.
The Symposium is also intended to inform clinicians, emergency managers, law enforcement and other community stakeholders providing services to victims' families, responders and survivors.
Symposium Fee for Professionals: $75
5 CEU Credits: $25
Exhibitor Table Fee: $100
Presentations Include:
Opening Remarks
Richard Edwards, Ph.D.
Long-Term Needs of Victims' Families, Responders and Survivors
Mary Fetchet, LCSW
The Journey from Trauma to Hope and Healing
Suzanne Phillips, Psy.D., ABPP, CGP, FAGPA
Identifying Challenges and Promoting Resiliency in Children, Families, and Responders
Mickie Brown, RN, HN-BC
Craig Haen, Ph.D., RDT, CGP, LCAT, FAGPA
Maureen Underwood, MSW, LCSW, CGP
Afternoon Introduction
Ronald Quincy, Ph.D.
Case Studies: Providing Group Therapy and Peer-to-Peer Support
Mary Fetchet, LCSW
Maureen Underwood, MSW, LCSW, CGP
Enhancing Your Resiliency Through Experience
V. Alex Kehayan, Ed.D.
Joseph C. Napoli, M.D.
Persisting Patterns and Emerging Trends in Physical and Mental Health 13 Years after 9/11
Steven Stellman, Ph.D., MPH
Iris Udasin, M.D.
Health Care Workers and Disasters: Perceptions and Observations
Clifton Lacy, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.P.
Promoting Healing Through Mind and Body Exercise
Mickie Brown, RN, HN-BC
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