Healing Families & Communities After Tragedy

Photo courtesy of FEMA.
Dear Families and Friends,
From Thursday, May 28 through Saturday, May 30, the 9/11 Memorial Museum in New York City will be hosting a series of special programs for the 9/11 Rescue and Recovery community to commemorate the 13th anniversary of the end of the historic recovery operations at Ground Zero.
Thursday, May 28
A Special Evening of Tribute and Remembrance: 4:00 PM- Midnight
Extended hours at the Museum for the 9/11 rescue and recovery community with musical tributes in Foundation Hall.
4:00-5:00 PM: Recovering from Ground Zero
An expert panel, including a former NYPD detective who responded on 9/11 and a pulmonary specialist, will explore illnesses linked to WTC exposure and efforts to treat and compensate those affected.
The 4:00 entrance time is already fully subscribed with a waiting list; however, we have been provided with 20 tickets for this presentation.
6:00 PM
Special tribute, including a moment of silence for those who lost their lives to 9/11-related illnesses. We have been given 50 tickets for a 5:30 entrance time to the Museum.
If you would like to attend at either of these times, please contact Stephanie Landau at (203) 966-3911 or by email at slandau@voicesofsept11.org by Tuesday, May 26. Tickets are available on a first-come, first served basis, and rescue and recovery workers may bring two guests.
Friday, May 29.
The Museum will be open to the public for its normal operating hours. As always, rescue and recovery workers may visit free of charge. However, during this special commemoration, each worker may bring two complimentary guests. Reservation information is included below.
Saturday, May 30
Share Your Story: StoryCorps, the national oral history initiative, is hosting a recording day at the Museum. These recordings will become a cornerstone of the Museum's oral history collection and help to preserve the history of the recovery effort. Recording times must be scheduled in advance, and space is limited. For more information, please contact Anthony Gardner at the Museum at agardner@911memorial.org, or 212-312-8800.
Commemorate with Your Family: Children's programs will be held in the Museum Education Center. This program is recommended for children ages 5-10, but all ages are welcome.
Drop-In Activities: 10:00 AM to noon
Stories and Art: 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM
For more information or general ticket reservations, visit the Museum's website: https://www.911memorial.org/911-rescue-recovery-worker-tribute.
Warm regards,
Mary Fetchet & the VOICES Staff
P.S. Look for the VOICES staff in Foundation Hall on Thursday after 6:00 PM and all day on Saturday. We will be on hand with information on the World Trade Center Health Program.
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