The day-long event will include presentations, panel discussions on the World Trade Center Health Program and re-authorization of the Zadroga Act, and interactive workshops led by accomplished clinicians, authors, and researchers. We are pleased to bring together this group of professionals with expertise in the fields of psychology, research, occupational health, and medicine.
Keynote: The Road from Shared Loss and Private Pain to Unexpected Resilience and Reasons for Hope
Suzanne B. Phillips, Psy.D., ABPP, CGP, FAGPA
Adjunct Full Professor of Clinical Psychology, Long Island University
Faculty, Suffolk Institute for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
Co-Chair of Community Outreach of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, Trauma/Disaster Chair Suffolk County Psychology Association.
In this address, Dr. Phillips, psychologist, psychoanalyst, certified group therapist, and Adjunct Full Professor of Clinical Psychology at LIU Post, will draw upon theory and examples to consider the pain and promise of Anniversary Events, the transformation of traumatic loss, the role of grieving, the potency of human connection, the narration of healing, the building of resiliency, the meaning of recovery, the power of hope and the right to happiness.
Victim Compensation Fund and Ongoing Legal Considerations of the Zadroga Law
Sheila Birnbaum, JD
Special Master, September 11th Victim Compensation Fund
Frances Gottfried, Ph.D.
Director, New York Office, U.S. Department of Justice, September 11th Victim Compensation Fund
Michael Barasch, JD
Barasch, McGarry, Salzman & Penson
Noah Kushlefsky, JD
Kreindler & Kreindler
Giving Voice, Bearing Witness, Getting Support
These round table groups, facilitated by group leaders, will provide an opportunity for those attending to respond to ideas raised in the keynote address, raise other issues related to dealing in the aftermath of traumatic events, ask or answer questions based on their own experience, highlight unmet needs and give voice to their journey in the company of others who want to listen. These groups will make possible the sharing of wisdom and understanding that people who have faced life's challenges can offer to each other.
Craig Haen, Ph.D., RDT, CGP, LCAT, FAGPA
Private Practice, White Plains, NY
Adjunct Faculty, New York University & Lesley University
Co-Chair, Community Outreach, American Group Psychotherapy Association
Robert H. Klein, Ph.D., ABPP, CGP, DLFAGPA
Past-President & Distinguished Life Fellow of AGPA, & former Co-Chair of AGPA's Disaster Outreach Task Force
Clinical Faculty, Yale School of Medicine
Madelyn Miller, PhD, LCSW, CGPPsychotherapist, Private Practice
Adjunct Associate Professor, NYU Silver School of Social Work
Chairperson, Disaster Trauma Committee, NASW, NYC-Chapter
Suzanne B. Phillips, Psy.D., ABPP, CGP, FAGPA
Kathleen Hubbs Ulman, Ph.D., CGP, FAGPA
Asst. Professor in Psychiatry (Psychology) Part-time at Harvard Medical School
Clinical Associate in Psychiatry (Psychology) Massachusetts General Hospital
Past President and Fellow of the American Group Psychotherapy Association
Chair, Disaster Response Committee Northeastern Society for Group Psychotherapy
Reauthorization of the Zadroga Act
Suzy Ballantyne
Citizens for the Extension of the James Zadroga Act
John Feal
President and Founder, FealGood Foundation
James Melius, MD
NYS Laborers Health and Safety Fund
Identifying the Long-Term Needs of Victims' Families and Survivors
Mary Fetchet, LCSW
Founding Director, Voices of September 11th
Susheel Gupta
Director, Air India Victims' Families Association
Vice-Chairperson, Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
Panel Discussion: Making Meaning, Making Sense After Trauma and Loss
This panel of professionals will make meaning of the human response to unspeakable life events. It will consider symptoms, PTSD (delayed & chronic), depression, anxiety and treatments to address them. It will consider severe illness as trauma and face the question of how we cope with " Life After the Diagnosis." It will look closely at traumatic loss of a loved one, theories of grieving, complicated grieving, and the capacity for loss to deepen our capacity for connection such that sadness can exist even as one reinvests in self, others and the future.
Moderator: Suzanne B. Phillips, Psy.D., ABPP, CGP, FAGPA
Robert H. Klein, Ph.D., ABPP, CGP, DLFAGPA
Madelyn Miller, PhD, LCSW, CGP
Kathleen Hubbs Ulman, Ph.D., CGP, FAGPA
The World Trade Center Health Program
Michael Crane, MD
Deputy Director of the Mount Sinai WTC Monitoring and Treatment Program
Jacqueline Moline, MD
Director, Queens World Trade Center Health Program
Joan Reibman, MD
Medical Director of the Survivor Program, Bellevue Hospital
Strategies for Restoration and Resilience
This panel will offer and demonstrate ways to expand and use strategies for coping with trauma and loss. It includes a consideration and exercise in Mindfulness and other Strategies by Mickie Brown, RN, HN-BC. Additional strategies as Resilience Building, Exercise/Physical Engagement, Creativity, Networks of Connection, Spirituality and Humor will be presented by the other panelists.
Mickie Brown, RN, HN-BC
Deputy Nurse Manager, Mount Sinai Selikoff Centers for Occupational Health
Robert H. Klein, Ph.D., ABPP, CGP, DLFAGPA
Madelyn Miller, PhD, LCSW, CGP
Suzanne Phillips, Psy.D., ABPP, CGP, FAGPA
Kathleen Hubbs Ulman, Ph.D., CGP, FAGPA
Debut of Next Generation Living Memorial Project and Update from the 9/11 Memorial and Museum
Alice Greenwald
Executive Vice President for Programs, Director of 9/11 Memorial Museum
Jan Ramirez
Chief Curator and V.P. of Collections, 9/11 Memorial Museum
Cliff Chanin
V.P., Education and Public Programs, 9/11 Memorial Museum
Amy Weisser
Vice President for Exhibitions, 9/111 Memorial Museum
Founding Director, Voices of September 11th
Stephanie Landau
Project Director, Voices of September 11th
Mind-Body Exercise
Mickie Brown, RN, HN-BC
Deputy Nurse Manager, Mount Sinai Selikoff Centers for Occupational Health
9/11 family members, responders and survivors (and their families): Free
WTCHP partners: Free
Conference attendees: $100
6 clinical CEUS: $50 each day
(CEUs available for NJ, PA and CT; NY pending approval)
Student Rate: $50
Co-Sponsored By:
The World Trade Center Health Program
The Rutgers School of Social Work
Kreindler & Kreindler
Barasch, McGarry, Salzman & Penson
Please share this information with your colleagues and friends who may be interested in attending.
or call (203) 966-3911.
In addition, join us on Wednesday, September 9
VOICES Resiliency Symposium
"Knowledge to Practice: Pathways to Long-Term Healing"