Join Us for VOICES Upcoming Events

VOICES High School Interns Community Presentation

LeftCollege summer interns Meredith Newman, Margot Tucker, Taylor Corbett
Center: Grace Farms in New Canaan, CT
Right: High school summer interns Reid Dahill, Nicole Vanderlee, Cem Geray, Emily Shizari (not pictured)

Wednesday, August 22
Grace Farms
365 Lukes Wood Road, New Canaan, CT

We hope you can join us at the beautiful and serene Grace Farms for our summer interns' annual community presentation. Our interns from New Canaan High School will present "Reflecting and Moving Forward: Stories of Resiliency After 9/11." The program is free and open to the public. The presentation will include a video that chronicles the stories of survivors and responders, highlighting their personal resilience and the relevance of 9/11 today.

VOICES Annual September Events
September 9 & 10
Marriott Downtown Hotel
85 West Street, New York City
Registration Opens: 8:00am   |   Program: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Supporting victims' families, survivors and responders
and sharing the expertise of trauma-informed professionals.
Both events are free of charge for victims' families, survivors
and responders and World Trade Center Health Program partners.
A daylong program for mental health professionals, victims' services, emergency managers, law enforcement and other community stakeholders.

Topics Include:

The Multigenerational Impact of Trauma on Survivors and Responders

Research to Practice: Treatment of PTSD and Anxiety

Responding to Tragedy: National and International Perspectives

Giving Voice to Victim's Families and Survivors

Vicarious and Shared Trauma: Promoting Resilient Responders

Cultivating a Resilient Community: A Pathway to Thrive

Click here to view speakers and agenda.

Join us for our annual gathering for 9/11 families, survivors and responders
and the dedicated professionals providing support services.

Topics Include:

WTC Health Program: Medical Treatment Updates

Helping Children and Adults Cope with Loss

Cultivating Personal Resilience: 6 Keys to Thrive

WTC Health Program: Mental Health Research and Interventions

Victim Compensation Programs

Families and Survivors Advocating for Reforms: Progress Report Since JASTA

Uplifting Yourself and Others: Peer-to-Peer Roundtable Discussion

Comeback Season: Sports After 9/11 featuring ESPN's Mike Greenberg

Click here to view speakers and agenda.

Thank you to our sponsors: