Sharing Lessons Learned
From left to right: Levent Altan, Executive Director of Victim Support Europe, Mary Fetchet, Founding Director of VOICES, and Peter Sparks, Detective Chief Inspector from the Metropolitan Police at LinCT's conference in Melbourne, Australia.
VOICES Founding Director Mary Fetchet was recently featured in the CNN article A Force For Change: Coping with Grief Through Activism and Advocacy. Mary shared her personal story of finding meaning in tragedy, telling CNN "The loss of my son has had a profound impact on me...It was certainly a life-changing event that in a sense expanded my life's journey, personally and professionally." Read CNN's article here.
VOICES also recently participated in conferences in Chicago and Australia. In Chicago, Mary joined Melissa Brymer, PhD, Robin Gurtwich, PhD, and Gil Reyes, PhD at the 33rd Annual International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Conference to discuss Mass Violence: Understanding the Complexity of Trauma and Grief in Communities.
While in Melbourne, Australia, VOICES was honored to participate in the Leadership in Counter Terrorism's (LinCT) Global Terrorism Prevention Conference. Along with fellow panelists Levent Altan and Peter Sparks, we shared our firsthand experience in Victim Approaches - During the Incident - Post the Incident - Ongoing. Mary also traveled to Sydney where she spoke to multi-disciplinary audience about lessons learned. Reflecting on the trip Mary noted, "It is heartening that both mental health and law enforcement professionals are keenly focused on improving victims' services, by incorporating lessons learned into their plans and providing long-term support services for victims' families, as well as survivors and responders." |
Dr. Suzanne Phillips interviews Come From Away Producer and Cast Member
VOICES frequent presenter Dr. Suzanne Phillips met Sue Frost, producer of the hit Broadway musical Come from Away, at our 16th Annual Information Forum in New York City last September. Like all of us, Suzanne was inspired by Sue's heartwarming story of producing the play, and the overwhelming responses by audiences. Suzanne wanted to share the inspirational story more broadly and invited Sue Frost and a Joel Hatch, a cast member, to participate in her recent radio show, Psych Up Live.
If you haven't had an opportunity to see Come From Away, we encourage you to do so, and click here to listen to an inside view of the musical.
We Value Your Opinion!
Thanks to all who participated in VOICES survey! Your participation helps guide the development of our programs and support services.
If you haven't already taken the survey, we hope you will provide us with your valuable feedback. The survey takes 5 minutes to complete and your information and responses are confidential. Click here to complete the survey.
9/11 Survivors and Responders Updates
New York Law School Offering Free Clinics for Victim Compensation Fund Applicants: January 26 & 30
New York Law School is offering free clinics for individuals who need assistance filing a claim with the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, but do not wish to hire an attorney. Those attending will be able to meet with a law student who will provide information on the application process and will assist in filling out the online claim form.
Clinics are January 26 and 30 and are by appointment only. Pre-registration is required with limited space available. Click here for more information.
Official Statement from the WTC Health Program
The World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) has recently seen an increase in the number of individuals seeking enrollment. They are aware of the increased number of individuals, primarily survivors, seeking enrollment and/or certification of their health conditions and are taking active steps to address the waiting time for an initial health evaluation for enrolled screening-eligible survivors.
Click here to read the WTCHP's official statement on the matter or call our office at 203-966-3911 for information about how you may be affected.
If you or someone you know lived, worked, or went to school near the World Trade Center disaster site, you may be eligible for medical and/or mental health treatment in the WTCHP. For more information, contact our help line at 855-709-0100.
Remembering Dr. James Melius
Dr. James Melius (far right) participating in an event at the 9/11 Museum, along with Jon Stewart and John Feal of the FealGood Foundation, to promote awareness about the WTC Health Program.
VOICES was saddened to hear about the recent death of Dr. James Melius, whose work touched the lives of so many in the 9/11 community. Dr. Melius was a founding member of 9/11 Health Watch and Citizens for the Extension of the James Zadroga Act and Chair of the WTC Health Program Responders Steering Committee.
Along with his colleagues and friends who had the pleasure of working alongside him, we remember Dr. Melius for the important contributions he made in helping countless individuals. A public memorial will be planned for the end of March. Click here to read the New York Times's obituary of Dr. Melius.
 VOICES is proud of our unwavering commitment to supporting those impacted by 9/11, promoting efforts to make our country safer, and helping communities heal after other tragedies. Your charitable gifts make this possible!
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Connect with VOICES:
Voices of September 11th (VOICES) is a 501c3 nonpartisan organization that provides information and a wide range of support services to promote resiliency and address the long-term needs of all those affected by September 11th; commemorates the lives and stories of September 11, 2001; and advocates for public policy reform to promote national preparedness. VOICES is committed to helping communities prepare for, respond to and recover from traumatic events, by sharing lessons learned that will promote resiliency and healing in the lives of those impacted by other tragedies.