10 Years Later: Remembering Beverly Eckert and the Victims of Continental Flight 3407

February 12 marks the tenth anniversary when we remember VOICES co-founder Beverly Eckert and the other 49 individuals and an unborn child who perished when Continental Flight 3407 crashed in Buffalo, New York. Beverly was traveling to Buffalo to attend a ceremony at Canisius High School where she was awarding a scholarship in memory of her husband Sean who died on 9/11.
"I first met Beverly shortly after 9/11 when I began holding meetings in my home for families living in Connecticut. Along with other family we began advocating on a number of issues, including the creation of a proper memorial at the World Trade Center Site in New York City and the establishment of the 9/11 Commission to investigate government failures. As members of the 12-person 9/11 Family Steering Committee our advocacy work led to sweeping intelligence reforms. Beverly was articulate and enthusiastic as she immersed herself in issues she felt passionate about. Everyone who knew her was impressed by her energy and grateful for her commitment to making a difference. Beverly is sorely missed." - Reflections from Mary Fetchet
After the unfathomable loss of Beverly, her sisters Karen Eckert and Susan Bourque followed in her footsteps by dedicating their efforts to advocating for airline safety reforms. Along with other family members, they established the Families of Continental Flight 3407 group: "As a group we don't ever wish to see another family have to endure the pain and suffering we have endured and are therefore committed to promoting positive changes related to aviation safety." Inspired by Beverly's advocacy work, yet realistic about the time and energy it would require, they embarked upon a decade of endless trips to Washington, DC advocating for legislation to implement aviation reforms. Their efforts ultimately prompted Congress to pass the Airline Safety and Federal Aviation Administration Extension Act of 2010, the most comprehensive aviation safety legislative reform in history. Their work continues to this day, as they push for effective and complete implementation of new safety regulations.
On this tenth anniversary, we remember Beverly and all those lost on Flight 3407 and we thank their family members for their tireless efforts in improving airline safety that benefits us all. On February 11 and 12, families will gather in Buffalo, New York for several commemorative events at the Flight 3407 Memorials at Forest Lawn Cemetery, Clarence Library and at the site of the crash at Long Street in Clarence, NY. For information about the memorial events click here.
New Year's Resolutions for 2019
It's not too late to consider beginning resolutions for 2019 that will have a positive impact on your mind and body! By setting realistic resolutions and taking small steps, you can improve both your physical and mental well-being!
Consider keeping a daily journal to track your progress in working toward a goal, or even getting an extra hour of sleep. You can also cultivate the practice of mindfulness, which is the ability to live in the present moment.
For more ideas on resolutions and for helpful resources, click here.
One Year Anniversary: Remembering the 17 Precious Lives Lost in Parkland, Florida

February 14 marks the first anniversary when we commemorate the precious lives that were taken at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida. We remember the 17 students and teachers: Alyssa Alhadeff, Martin Duque Anguiano, Scott Beigel, Nicholas Dworet, Aaron Feis, Jaime Guttenberg, Chris Hixon, Luke Hoyer, Cara Loughran, Gina Montalto, Joaquin Oliver, Alaina Petty, Meadow Pollack, Helena Ramsay, Alex Schachter, Carmen Schentrup, and Peter Wang.
Following this tragedy, we were inspired by the response of the Parkland families and students who mobilized so quickly to demand change. In the face of tragedy, they founded the youth-led March For Our Lives movement. At VOICES Resiliency Symposium in September, we were honored to hear testimony from family advocate Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter Jaime died in the shootings.
View video of Fred's remarks during the Giving Voice to Victims' Families panel.
We Value Your Opinion!
Thanks to all who participated in VOICES survey! Your valuable responses help guide the development of our programs and support services.
If you haven't already taken the survey, we would appreciate feedback. The survey takes 5 minutes to complete and your information and responses are confidential. Click here to complete the survey.
For 9/11 Survivors and Responders
National Cancer Prevention Month

February is National Cancer Prevention Month. Cancer is prevalent among survivors and responders who were exposed to toxins at one of the three sites on 9/11, and in the days and months following. Currently, the World Trade Center Health Program is providing medical and mental health treatment for over 41,000 individuals and over 100 cancers have been classified as certified conditions.
If you are already enrolled in the World Trade Center Health Program it is important to schedule your annual monitoring exam every year. Before your exam, make sure to write down a list of symptoms you are experiencing, even those that you think might not be related to your 9/11 exposures.
Early intervention for the treatment of cancer is critical. If you are a survivor and lived, worked or went to school in Lower Manhattan, or if you worked in the recovery effort at the World Trade Center site, in Shanksville, PA or at the Pentagon, you may qualify for treatment through the World Trade Center Health Program.
Contact Stephanie Landau at slandau@voicesofsept11.org or call our office at 203-966-3911 if you have questions or need assistance in applying.
Online Therapy Research Study for 9/11 WTC Responders and Survivors
As a reminder, Dr. Adriana Feder's research team at Mount Sinai is currently conducting an online writing therapy study for 9/11 WTC responders and survivors who continue to experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. People who experience persistent PTSD symptoms often receive treatment in person in an outpatient clinic. However, recent findings suggest that Internet-based narrative writing treatment can also yield positive effects.
If you are a WTC responder or survivor and have not yet applied, you may qualify for this online therapy study. Participants will have an equal chance of being given one of two therapies and will be assigned a personal therapist who communicates with them in writing via the Internet.
Legislative Update- "Never Forget the Heroes: Permanent Authorization of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Act"

As you may have heard, the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) is facing a lack of funding that will mean many responders and survivors will not get the full compensation they were expecting and deserve. If Congress does not act, the VCF is set to close its doors at the end of 2020, just as thousands more who need help are being diagnosed with 9/11 related cancers.
Citizens for the Extension of the James Zadroga Act are encouraging everyone to call your Member of Congress and urge them to join in co-sponsoring the bipartisan legislation, "Never Forget the Heroes: Permanent Authorization of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Act," that would fill any shortfalls in funding for the VCF and would permanently authorize the Fund to remain open for years to come.
You can take action by clicking here and typing in your address, and finding if your Member of Congress has committed to co-sponsoring the legislation when it is reintroduced in the next few weeks.
WTC Health Issues
Memorials and Commemoration
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Voices of September 11th (VOICES) is a 501c3 non-profit organization that provides long-term support services and access to resources and mental health care for 9/11 families, survivors and responders; commemorates the lives and stories of September 11, 2001; and advocates for public policy to promote national preparedness. VOICES is equally committed to leveraging our expertise to assist communities in responding to other acts of terrorism and mass violence.
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