Next Week: VOICES Bereavement Workshop Series Begins
VOICES is launching a series of bereavement workshops for grieving individuals whose loved one died as a result of the terrorist attacks on 9/11, or other acts of mass violence, including those who have died due to 9/11-related illnesses.
Each workshop will include skills development, self-reflection exercise and opportunities for Q+A with the presenter.
Workshops will occur on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm to 8:15pm EST and will focus on various topics. The first in our series is this Wednesday:
Yes, I'm Still Grieving: Navigating Loss Long-Term
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
7:00pm to 8:15pm EST
Followed by:
November 4, 2020 - Grief and the Holidays
December 9, 2020 - Making Meaning in the Face of Loss and Grief
January 6, 2021 - Building Resilience After Loss
The workshops have been generously sponsored and will be offered free of charge. Space is limited, and registration is required. Participants have the option of registering for one or all the workshops.